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Season 8, Episode 22 - Aired March 29, 1990

Woody's girlfriend, Kelly, is going away to study in Europe. Meanwhile, Norm finally winds up being the designated driver at Cheers.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Good news, Woody.
Woody: All right. You finally found Kelly's bedroom?
Sam: No. I met the cutest little chambermaid. She's making popcorn. You want some?
Woody: Sam, how can you think of popcorn when my life and happiness are at stake?
Sam: It's cheddar.
Woody: Ooh, gimme.
Sam: Thank you.


Quote from Woody

Woody: Yep. This is Kelly's room all right, Sam.
Sam: How can you tell?
Kelly: [o.s.] [gargles]
Woody: That's her gargle.
Kelly: Woody, Sam, what are you doing here?
Woody: Kelly, I want to marry you. I want to elope with you right now. You mean everything in the world to me. And nothing is going to stop me... Hey, you do have over 1,000 Barbie dolls. I thought you were just bragging.

Quote from Sam

Kelly: Woody, I just can't run off and marry you at the drop of a hat.
Sam: Boy, this is a great little comb. Teeth aren't too wide, nice flexibility, good heft. I've been looking for one of these for my eyebrows.
Kelly: That one's for blondes.
Sam: For... Jeez, you are rich.

Quote from Sam

Sam: The point is that you should be sharing with each other how you feel. Names don't matter. I'm not saying that you should get married, but...
Kelly: No, no. Let's get married. Oh, that will be a blast.
Sam: Well, whether you get married or not, what's important is to share how you feel... How you feel about him, how he feels about you...
Kelly: Woody, I know he's your friend and all...
Woody: Beat it, Sam.
Sam: Boy, G.l. Joe should come here on leave someday.

Quote from Kelly

Woody: Kelly, you mean everything in the world to me. And I want you to know that someday I'm gonna give you back everything you're giving up by marrying me.
Kelly: Oh, Woody, I don't need all those things. I'd live in a cold-water flat in the seediest part of town to be with you.
Woody: Then have I got a surprise honeymoon suite for you.
Kelly: Well, let's go. Look. I'm all packed for Europe, so all I have to do is take out my passport and voltage changer, and we're all set.
Mr. Gaines: [o.s.] Kelly. Kelly, dear.
Kelly: Oh, no. Woody, quick, in the closet.
Woody: [o.s.] Wow. What are all these Barbie legs doing here?
Kelly: Sometimes I get mad.

Quote from Sam

Woody: And I know that you're gonna come back to me, and then we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together. So I just want to hold this moment in my mind. I just want to look at you one last time, and then I'm going to go. [backs out of the window] Sam? Where's the ladder? Sam. Sam?
TV: Who you gonna call...
Sam & Chambermaid: Ghostbusters!

Quote from Norm

Tony: Yo, Peterson. I need a ride.
Norm: What, you're going home already?
Tony: No. Down to the corner so I can buy a pack of gum.
Norm: Gum?
Carla: Norm, this is your duty. Now, finish your Shirley Temple and drive him.
Norm: All right. All right. I'll drive you to get some gum. Hey, I know. After we get the gum, why don't I take you on a tour of the freedom trail?
Tony: Can we pick up my kid?
Norm: I was joking.
Tony: He'll be heartbroken.

Quote from Norm

Sam: Here you go, big fella.
[As Sam slides a beer down the bar to Norm, Carla blocks its path with her tray]
Carla: Sorry. No suds tonight, Norm. You are still our designated driver, remember?
Norm: I know that. You know that. Did you have to call every bar in town and tell them?
Steve: Hey, Norm, can I get a lift home?
Norm: All right.

Quote from Woody

Sam: Hey, Woody, you're have to get your mind off your problems with Kelly.
Woody: Is it that obvious, Sam?
Sam: Well, you're peeling your thumb.
Woody: Thank God you told me before I put it in someone's drink.

Quote from Woody

Woody: That's not her room, either.
Sam: Well, what took you so long up there?
Woody: Ghostbusters is on TV. I love that movie.
Sam: Oh, yeah.
Woody: It's criminal the way it got snubbed by the Oscars that year.
Sam: It still ticks me off.

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