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Indoor Fun with Sammy and Robby

‘Indoor Fun with Sammy and Robby’

Season 8, Episode 19 - Aired February 22, 1990

When Robin takes a rare day off to be with Rebecca, he ends up staying at Cheers all day competing with Sam.

Quote from Rebecca

Robin: So, uh, what would you like to do today?
Rebecca: OK, I'd like to go to the beach, then I'd like to go paddle boating, to the zoo...
Robin: Oh, yes. Your first day of puberty dream. It had slipped my mind. Let's be off, eh?
Rebecca: Yeah, I'll get ready. I have to get into my beachcombing outfit. Oh, and here's yours. Right here. And... And here is a little terry-cloth cap for you to wear.
Robin: No.
Rebecca: Fine.


Quote from Woody

Sam: That guy is so damn arrogant.
Woody: Yep. He likes his beer, too.
Sam: No, I was talking about Robin.
Woody: Yeah, but you must admit Mr. Peterson can cop an attitude.

Quote from Norm

Carla: Sammy wins!
Robin: Are you sure about the score?
Carla: Absolutely. I kept score with peanuts. This is you. This is Sam. Norm?
Norm: That's right. Uh, 250 to 249.

Quote from Carla

Robin: Do you fancy another game, Sam?
Sam: Oh, no. Come on. It's over. Let's just walk away from this a winner and a loser. Say, boys, who was the winner again?
All: [chant] Sammy! Sammy! Sammy!
Robin: Well, if not darts, what about a friendly game of pool?
Sam: No, no. I never like to nail a guy twice in one afternoon.
Carla: You haven't lived.

Quote from Robin Colcord

Robin: Well, perhaps I could make the... Perhaps I could make the prospect a little more enticing if we threw in a wager? Shall we say, um, here... Uh, one U.S. dollar?
Men: Whoa!
Sam: One lousy buck?
Robin: Well, you see, Sam, a real sportsman wouldn't consider it a lousy buck, but a trophy. Something to be held over the head of the vanquished. A symbol of victory.
Sam: All right. Lie for break. Although I can't understand why anyone would get that excited about winning a dollar.

Quote from Sam

Carla: Aw, don't feel bad, Robin. You'd have beat him if you'd called that last shot.
Robin: You mean the one that ricocheted off that mailman's head?
Norm: Yeah. Yeah.
Sam: Yep. Now, if you'd said 8 ball off of Cliffie's temple, then, maybe this portrait of George Washington might be yours. And by the way, boys, which president was he again?
Men: Number one! Number one!

Quote from Robin Colcord

Sam: Yeah, all right. OK. I'll... I'll play you a little game of chess. But let's not go for this weenie dollar bet here. I'll tell you what. Double or nothing.
Robin: Well, what do you say... What do you say we make it something worth our while? Both of us. Um, a week's pay. My salary against your salary.
Sam: Well, that's not exactly fair now. You don't make tips. [laughs]
Robin: Well, what do you say, Sam?
Sam: All right. Sure. Fine.
Robin: All right, I'm going back to my penthouse, and I'll get my chess set... And I'll see you in an hour, Sam.
Sam: I'll be here.

Quote from Sam

Carla: Boy, Sammy, I am impressed. I mean, you have put a lot on the line.
Sam: Do you have any idea how much that guy takes home in a week? I'd say that's enough money for me to buy back this bar. We are home free.
Norm: All right, Sammy.
Sam: All I got to do is learn how to play chess in an hour. Eh, you know, what the heck. It's got to be easier than Yahtzee.

Quote from Sam

Frasier: So, uh, what is all this anyway?
Carla: Oh, you're going to love this. See, Sammy and Robin are playing chess for one week's wages, right? We got this computer chess game so that Sammy can beat Robin, and Norm is going to feed him all the right moves over this headset.
Frasier: Well, I hate to spoil your fun with a moral voice, but, uh, isn't that what we used to call cheating? I mean, isn't that just like stealing Robin's money?
Sam: No, Frasier, I'm not doing this for the money. I just want to get the satisfaction of seeing his expression when he gives me the check. And once it's in my hand, I'll rip it up and throw it in his face... Maybe.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: So, where did you get all this expensive listening equipment anyway?
Norm: Oh, this is Pete's stuff. He uses this stuff all the time.
Frasier: Pete, are... Are you a surveillance expert?
Pete: No. My wife sleeps around a lot.

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