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Finally! (Part 1)

‘Finally! (Part 1)’

Season 8, Episode 15 - Aired January 25, 1990

When Robin Colcord invites Rebecca to join him at an expensive dinner, she is hopeful that tonight will be the night they finally get together.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Boy, you know, too bad you and I didn't hit it off. I just got invited to Carl Yastrzemski's dinner with Robin Colcord.
Laura: Really?
Sam: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we'll be going over in Robin Colcord's stretch limo. Then, uh, Robin Colcord will be treating us to a $1,000 plate, which we will be eating sitting next to Robin Colcord. And then, you know, maybe we'll go out for ice cream later with Sam Malone.
Laura: Who's that?
Sam: A friend of Robin Colcord's. Come on. What do you say?


Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: You know, that guy leaves me for 4 or 5 weeks at a time, then when I do have a date with him, he's an hour and a half late. What, like there's no phones? He can't give me call? I'm getting sick of this. I don't know why I put up with it.
Carla: Rebecca, don't you remember? You're a gold-digger.
Rebecca: Well, I'm tired of wasting my time and cleavage on him.

Quote from Sam

Robin: Sam, you coming?
Sam: Actually I think I'm gonna take a cab. My date fell through at the last minute, and I feel a little awkward. You know what they say, three in a limo...
Robin: Well, actually, there will be four of us. That's including my driver, Miles.
Sam: Great. I'll look like I'm dating the chauffeur. Listen, I mean, I like Miles and all...
Robin: Yes, well, he likes you, too, Sam.
Sam: Well, then I'm definitely taking a cab. I'll meet you there.
Robin: Sam, I need you to brief me in advance about this baseball thing. Now, look, I'll give you a consultation fee of $1,000.
Sam: What kind of flowers do you think Miles would like?

Quote from Robin Colcord

Sam: All right. Keystone sack.
Robin: Second base.
Sam: Hot corner.
Robin: Third base.
Sam: Dinger?
Robin: Home run.
Sam: Tater.
Robin: Home run.

Quote from Rebecca

Robin: Listen, he's good, isn't he?
Rebecca: Oh, yes, he's wonderful. We shouldn't go anywhere without him...Ever.
Robin: Do I detect an attitude?
Rebecca: An attitude?
Robin: Listen, when we meet Yastrzemski... We all just call him Yaz.
Rebecca: Actually, Robin, this is like my dream date. I hope we spend the rest of the night talking about how many taters Yaz has hit.
Robin: Rebecca, if there's something bothering you, we can discuss it later. So how many taters did Yaz hit?
Sam: Oh, uh...
Rebecca: Later? Later? You mean, like when we're alone? I don't think that's...
Robin: Anyway, Rebecca, if there's something bothering you, why don't you come straight out and say it.
Rebecca: Robin, if you can't figure it out, I'm really not gonna tell you.
Robin: Oh, God, that is so female.
Rebecca: Don't ever say that to a woman, you big jerk!
Robin: Little shrew.
Rebecca: Shut up.
Robin: Fine.

Quote from Sam

Sam: I don't know the exact number of taters Yaz hit. But I know it was a lot. Hey, you know what we need here? We need a little champagne. All right, I tell you, Robin, baseball... It's the greatest game. You know, the only problem I see is in the pension system. I mean, where's the security for a marginal player? Oh. Hey, this is very nice champagne. Yeah, nice and bubbly. Not like the kind of stuff we used to pour over Yaz's head after he hit a game-winning tater. Oh, my God.
Rebecca: Oh, Sam, you're still here.
Sam: I feel like I shouldn't be.
Robin: Ah, well, we'd appreciate that, Sam. Miles, would you stop the car?
Sam: W- What are you doing? Guys, come on. This is kind of a bad neighborhood.
Robin: Oh, no. There's no such thing as a bad neighborhood, Sam. It's just a pre-redevelopment.
Sam: Hey, is that car on fire over there? [Robin literally kicks Sam out the door] Oh! Hey, wait. Where's my coat? What about my 1,000 bucks?

Quote from Carla

Carla: How was dinner last night?
Sam: I didn't actually make it to the dinner. Rebecca and Robin started making out in the back of the limo, so I offered to do the gentlemanly thing.
Cliff: What's that?
Sam: Let them dump me out on the railroad tracks.
Carla: Oh, man, that Colcord is a real jerk.
Sam: Yeah, he just pulled over and let me out.
Carla: He stopped the car? So what are you whining about?

Quote from Carla

Sam: They take off with my wallet and my coat and I'm out there in my tux freezing my tail off. I tell you, I'd still be there is it weren't for those timely skinheads. [sneezes] Oh, God, I think I got something. Is my head hot?
Carla: No. What else you got?

Quote from Sam

Norm: So, uh, Sammy, do you think they did the, uh, deed?
Sam: Are you kidding me? Rebecca? I ended up with a pant full of slush, and I guarantee you I had a warmer evening than Colcord did.
Rebecca: [enters] Hello, everyone. It's such a beautiful day, I thought I'd walk to work. There you are, Sam. I told you you'd make it home fine. You're a clever boy.
Sam: Come here.
Rebecca: What?
Sam: Come here.
Rebecca: What are you looking at?
Sam: Oh, my God. You went to bed with him. [cheers]

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Oh, I've got to tell you it was so wonderful. First, I thought it was sort of a low-down, dirty place. Then I realized it was a low-down, dirty place.
Norm: Yeah. Little Wally knows his clientele.
Carla: Yeah. So you greased up. Now, give us some details.
Rebecca: Oh, all right. What can I tell you? I told him the biggest secret of my life.
Carla: What?
Rebecca: I told him about "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" by The Righteous Brothers, and what that song does to me. You know what he did?
Carla: What?
Rebecca: He called this radio station he owns, and he had them play it all night.
Woody: I heard that. I thought that was the long version.
Rebecca: Anyway, all I know is it was the best evening of my entire life.

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