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Quote from Sam in Finally! (Part 1)

Sam: I don't know the exact number of taters Yaz hit. But I know it was a lot. Hey, you know what we need here? We need a little champagne. All right, I tell you, Robin, baseball... It's the greatest game. You know, the only problem I see is in the pension system. I mean, where's the security for a marginal player? Oh. Hey, this is very nice champagne. Yeah, nice and bubbly. Not like the kind of stuff we used to pour over Yaz's head after he hit a game-winning tater. Oh, my God.
Rebecca: Oh, Sam, you're still here.
Sam: I feel like I shouldn't be.
Robin: Ah, well, we'd appreciate that, Sam. Miles, would you stop the car?
Sam: W- What are you doing? Guys, come on. This is kind of a bad neighborhood.
Robin: Oh, no. There's no such thing as a bad neighborhood, Sam. It's just a pre-redevelopment.
Sam: Hey, is that car on fire over there? [Robin literally kicks Sam out the door] Oh! Hey, wait. Where's my coat? What about my 1,000 bucks?

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