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Quote from Rebecca in Finally! (Part 1)

Robin: Listen, he's good, isn't he?
Rebecca: Oh, yes, he's wonderful. We shouldn't go anywhere without him...Ever.
Robin: Do I detect an attitude?
Rebecca: An attitude?
Robin: Listen, when we meet Yastrzemski... We all just call him Yaz.
Rebecca: Actually, Robin, this is like my dream date. I hope we spend the rest of the night talking about how many taters Yaz has hit.
Robin: Rebecca, if there's something bothering you, we can discuss it later. So how many taters did Yaz hit?
Sam: Oh, uh...
Rebecca: Later? Later? You mean, like when we're alone? I don't think that's...
Robin: Anyway, Rebecca, if there's something bothering you, why don't you come straight out and say it.
Rebecca: Robin, if you can't figure it out, I'm really not gonna tell you.
Robin: Oh, God, that is so female.
Rebecca: Don't ever say that to a woman, you big jerk!
Robin: Little shrew.
Rebecca: Shut up.
Robin: Fine.

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