Rebecca Quote #303

Quote from Rebecca in Finally! (Part 1)

Robin: Listen, he's good, isn't he?
Rebecca: Oh, yes, he's wonderful. We shouldn't go anywhere without him...Ever.
Robin: Do I detect an attitude?
Rebecca: An attitude?
Robin: Listen, when we meet Yastrzemski... We all just call him Yaz.
Rebecca: Actually, Robin, this is like my dream date. I hope we spend the rest of the night talking about how many taters Yaz has hit.
Robin: Rebecca, if there's something bothering you, we can discuss it later. So how many taters did Yaz hit?
Sam: Oh, uh...
Rebecca: Later? Later? You mean, like when we're alone? I don't think that's...
Robin: Anyway, Rebecca, if there's something bothering you, why don't you come straight out and say it.
Rebecca: Robin, if you can't figure it out, I'm really not gonna tell you.
Robin: Oh, God, that is so female.
Rebecca: Don't ever say that to a woman, you big jerk!
Robin: Little shrew.
Rebecca: Shut up.
Robin: Fine.


 ‘Finally! (Part 1)’ Quotes

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Sam?
Sam: Yeah.
Rebecca: What's the matter? Something wrong? Are you disappointed?
Sam: Why would I be disappointed?
Rebecca: Well, I guess I kind of thought you wanted me.
Sam: What would give you that idea?
Rebecca: I don't know. A guy hits on you every day for 3 or 4 years, you kind of start to trust it.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: Man, you are going to ruin everything.
Sam: What ruin? It's gonna save you from having to come up with another excuse not to go to bed with the guy.
Rebecca: What makes you think I'm not gonna go to bed with the guy?
Sam: Well, honey, you know, you see the sun come up every morning for 30, 40 years, after a while, you start to trust it.

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Can I help you?
Bill Medley: Yeah, Rebecca Howe?
Rebecca: Me.
Bill Medley: Rebecca, this is from Robin Colcord. [sings] You never close your eyes anymore...
Rebecca: [drops to her knees] Oh, my gosh! It's Bill Medley from the Righteous Brothers. I mean, I knew Robin knew him. And I hoped that one day I would meet him. But I never knew he'd fly him all the way to Boston to sing this song to me. It's Bill Medley. Bill Medley!
Bill Medley: Excuse me. Excuse me. Would you knock it off? Somebody in the bar might want to hear this. [sings] You've lost that lovin' feelin'...