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Quote from Rebecca in Finally! (Part 1)

Rebecca: Oh, I've got to tell you it was so wonderful. First, I thought it was sort of a low-down, dirty place. Then I realized it was a low-down, dirty place.
Norm: Yeah. Little Wally knows his clientele.
Carla: Yeah. So you greased up. Now, give us some details.
Rebecca: Oh, all right. What can I tell you? I told him the biggest secret of my life.
Carla: What?
Rebecca: I told him about "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" by The Righteous Brothers, and what that song does to me. You know what he did?
Carla: What?
Rebecca: He called this radio station he owns, and he had them play it all night.
Woody: I heard that. I thought that was the long version.
Rebecca: Anyway, all I know is it was the best evening of my entire life.

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