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Out on a Limb

‘Out on a Limb’

Season 2, Episode 11 -  Aired March 6, 2005

Michael bumps into Maggie Lizer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) eight and a half months after sleeping with her. Meanwhile, Buster learns he is being deployed to Iraq, and Maeby tries to help George Michael dump Ann.

Quote from George Sr.

Narrator: In the attic, Michael met with George Sr., who'd overheard about Buster.
George Sr.: He can't go. You can't let him. I command you.
Michael: I really hate it when you put on the God costume.
Narrator: George Sr. had always worn the God costume at the annual Living Classics Pageant where he and Buster re-created Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam.
George Sr.: What if I never get a chance to reach out and touch that hand of his again? I gotta go to him.
Michael: Pop, you're a wanted man. You cannot risk leaving the attic all the time.
George Sr.: Oh, when? When have I ever left the attic?
Michael: Two days ago. Right? Saw you floating around the Ford dealership.
George Sr.: Yeah, well, have you seen the new Ford Mustang? You could hump that hood.


Quote from Lucille

Narrator: And George Michael and Maeby brought Ann to the penthouse in hopes that Lucille would drive her away.
Maeby: Isn't Ann great?
Lucille: Oh, she's lovely.
Narrator: Unfortunately she was distracted by the thought of losing Buster.
Maeby: Hey, do you have any bread pudding? 'Cause you'd be surprised how much this one can put away.
George Michael: Ha!
Lucille: Now that Buster's not here, there's no one to finish it. I don't care if I ever eat again.
[As Lucille slumps down on the couch, Ann stands up and goes to sit beside her]
Ann: You know, when times are tough you can always turn to the power of prayer.
Maeby: Here we go.
Lucille: Show me. [George Michael gasps]
Narrator: This was a big get for God.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Just more good luck. Everything's been going so well since we started going out. I think we've actually gone out eight times now.
Narrator: Which included a record-tying three lovemaking sessions in one night for Michael.

Quote from Lindsay

Michael: I'll tell you what. I'll help you look for Barry tomorrow. I think Dad prepaid him for Lindsay and Tobias's divorce anyway.
Lindsay: Look at us. Three relationships, all falling apart. Maybe it's time we actually took some responsibility for that.
Gob: I think it's Mom's fault.
Lindsay: I was gonna say the exact same thing. [Lucille spins around in a garden chair]
Michael: No, that's not a spinner.
Lucille: So this is how my children speak of me when I'm not here.

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: Michael had an affair with Maggie Lizer while she was both pretending to be blind and prosecuting the family. It was with her he'd first set the three-time record. Their relationship ended somewhat abruptly.

Quote from Michael

Michael: How you doin'? Wow, you look fantastic.
Maggie Lizer: Wow. Haven't seen you since we had an affair and you ruined my career.
Michael: Yeah, I was gonna call you a couple of times, and then I just- I got to thinking, uh, "What if she brings that up?"

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: Michael had just learned that the woman he'd been intimate with eight and a half months earlier was eight-and-a-half months pregnant.

Quote from Michael

Sally Sitwell: Michael, you know what? You're always looking for things to get between us. First, it was "What's your son gonna think?" And now you think you're having a baby because a woman who lies told you you weren't.
Michael: That's a great way to say that. We really do communicate well, do you know that?

Quote from Michael

Lindsay: Are you insane? You broke up with her because somebody who doesn't want you might be pregnant with your baby?
Michael: No, Sally broke up with me. And as for Maggie, I didn't even know that she was pregnant when I first saw her. All I could see was her giant chest- box. She had this- Some people call it a chest. I call it a box. She was holding this giant box. Maybe I should've just stayed out of it. She did make it pretty clear that she doesn't want me around.
Lindsay: Come on, Michael. She's probably not even pregnant. You said she was carrying a big box? Pregnant women tend not to do that.
Michael: It did say "60 pounds" on it.

Quote from Tobias

Narrator: Meanwhile, on the other side of Maggie's house Lindsay and Tobias were putting their plan into action.
Tobias: I'm cloaking myself in her scent.
Lindsay: Oh! She's not blind.
Tobias: Well, she was when she bought this.
Lindsay: Oh, my God! That's her!
Tobias: Get in the tub!

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