George Sr. Quote #85

Quote from George Sr. in Out on a Limb

Narrator: In the attic, Michael met with George Sr., who'd overheard about Buster.
George Sr.: He can't go. You can't let him. I command you.
Michael: I really hate it when you put on the God costume.
Narrator: George Sr. had always worn the God costume at the annual Living Classics Pageant where he and Buster re-created Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam.
George Sr.: What if I never get a chance to reach out and touch that hand of his again? I gotta go to him.
Michael: Pop, you're a wanted man. You cannot risk leaving the attic all the time.
George Sr.: Oh, when? When have I ever left the attic?
Michael: Two days ago. Right? Saw you floating around the Ford dealership.
George Sr.: Yeah, well, have you seen the new Ford Mustang? You could hump that hood.


 ‘Out on a Limb’ Quotes

Quote from Maeby

George Michael: Oh, no, it's my Dad. I'm supposed to be at work.
Maeby: You know, George Michael, you worry too much. It's Sunday. You're allowed to have a couple of hours off. You don't see me nervous about being on my third Virgin Mary.
George Michael: Why would you be nervous? There's no alcohol in a Virgin Mary.
Maeby: There isn't? This is unbelievable. Can I get a virgin pina colada when you get a chance? Now we'll get things started.

Quote from Lucille

Lucille: Your brother Buster wants to meet me at the beach tomorrow. Do you know what this is about? Because if it's about going in the ocean the answer is no, he's not going in the ocean.
Michael: Well, there are bigger dangers, Mom. Like, say, signing him up for the army during wartime.
Lucille: What the hell was I supposed to do? Michael Moore confronted me in front of the whole country.
Michael: First of all, it wasn't Michael Moore. It was a look-alike. And it wasn't in front of the whole country. It was for a bit on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Lucille: I don't know who that is, and I don't care to find out.

Quote from Tobias

Lindsay: You know what? Tobias and I will break into her house and get the specimen. We've been looking for a little excitement.
Tobias: Yeah! It'll be fun. We will be like Tracy and Hepburn. [as Katharine Hepburn] "What do you say, you old poop?"
Lindsay: Oh, God, he's Hepburn.