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Season 2, Episode 21 - Aired April 12, 2023

Janine is surprised when her mother, Vanetta (Taraji P. Henson), pays a visit to Abbott Elementary. Meanwhile, Gregory realizes needs to be able to make small talk with the school employees.

Quote from Janine

Vanetta: Oh, I am doing good, baby girl. I got this new job. [giggles]
Janine: Mom, you got a new job?
Vanetta: Yes. And it's work from home, which is perfect for me, because what I look like, going into an office? [chuckles]
Janine: Oh, man, that is great.
Vanetta: Yes, it is. You know, but I do got this thing going on with my phone. Um, but anyway, the hours are great on the job. So everything is going great.
Janine: Well, what's going on with your phone?
Vanetta: I shouldn't have even mentioned it. Oh, just something about me going over my data and them threatening to turn the phone off. But it's only $639.17. But, um, I'll figure it out.
Janine: Mom, they can't turn your phone off. You need your phone.
Vanetta: No, I know. But it is what it is, right?
Janine: Mom, did you just come here because you need money?
Vanetta: Janine, no. Why would you even think that? I came 'cause I wanted to see you do your thing. I'm proud of you, baby.
Janine: Mm-hmm. Well, I love you, Mom. I'm so glad you're here.
Vanetta: Me too. You know what? Let's take a picture.
Janine: Okay.
Vanetta: Capture this moment. Come here. Look at you, looking just like me. Cheese. Okay, let me send this to...
Janine: Whoa, oh, hell, look like they shut my phone off. But don't you worry about it.


Quote from Barbara

Barbara: Feeling under the weather?
Vanetta: It's cold and flu season somewhere.
Barbara: Well, I'm sure that's true. Lovely of you to come by and see Janine at work. It meant so much to her. She talks about you all the time.
Vanetta: Can you believe she's never invited me here before? [chuckles]
Barbara: I really can't. You've raised a wonderful daughter. I hope you're extremely proud.
Vanetta: I am. [chuckles] You know, she's a Penn grad. Her sister, on the other hand... well, you win some, you lose some. [chuckles]

Quote from Barbara

Barbara: I have had the great pleasure of watching Janine grow so much. I mean, this year alone, working for her students and on herself, building up the confidence and the money to treat herself to a much-needed vacation.
Vanetta: Mm-hmm.
Barbara: I'm worried because she mentioned a bill situation of yours.
Vanetta: That's personal.
Barbara: Yes, but I'm worried that she's rethinking her travel in order to help you out.
Vanetta: Help me out? I would never ask her to do that.
Barbara: That's what she's going to do anyway. So I just thought that you should know.
Vanetta: You know, I'm sure my daughter will do what's right. Besides, her and Tariq splitting her rent, it ain't like she's struggling.
Barbara: That young man is no longer with your daughter.
Vanetta: What? Damn, well... guess you can't keep a good man down.
Barbara: I just want you to know how important this vacation is for Janine...
Vanetta: Uh, Barbara, you know, this is a family matter. And I don't remember seeing you at any of the cookouts. You don't know me.
Barbara: You're right, I don't know you. But I know your daughter. And she will help you out at her own expense.
Vanetta: Yeah, well, I'm her mother, and I brought her into this world at mine.

Quote from Janine

Janine: Mom, why did you come here?
Vanetta: I already told you, I miss you.
Janine: Right, but I've been calling you for months. You know, you could have just answered.
Vanetta: Well, I- I was busy. And you ain't leave no messages.
Janine: All right, so here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna call the phone company and set up a payment plan for you.
That way, they'll turn your phone back on. And then I'm going to give you the money for the first two payments, but that is it. I don't have the rest of the money to spare. I'm going on vacation. And that is what I can do for you right now, Mom. It's that option, or you're on your own. And it's totally up to you.
Vanetta: Well, I- I was gonna figure it out... But I'll take option one.
Janine: Okay.
Vanetta: Thank you, baby.
Janine: You're welcome. I love you, Mom. And you need your phone.
Vanetta: Yeah, I do, for work. And I love you too. Come here, my baby. I still don't see what's so good about this place.
Janine: Mom.

Quote from Gregory

[aside to camera:]
Gregory: You know, some things can't be taught. I'm bad at small talk. I'm just gonna stick with, uh, regular talk.
Nurse Makiah: Now, what are you up to tonight, Shanae?
Shanae: Ugh, more unpacking. We were at it so late last night, I missed the Orioles game.
Nurse Makiah: Oh.
Shanae: And today's been so crazy. I haven't had a chance to check the score.
Gregory: Uh, 5-3 O's. Adley Rutschman hit an opposite field walk off homer. And Cedric Mullins was a single shy of the cycle.
Shanae: Mullins is my guy. All these young dudes... Cedric, Mullen, Felix, Logan.
Gregory: And they say we're living in another dead ball era.
Shanae: Oh, please. It's simple, just hit dingers, play defense, close games.
Gregory: Exactly. But that's always baseball. You just show up every day, just like...
Both: Cal Ripken, Jr.
Shanae: Oh, you've been an Orioles fan this whole time and never said a word. Wow.
Gregory: Well, now I know.
Shanae: Yes, you do. Okay, Gregory.

Quote from Janine

Barbara: Oh, Janine. I know I crossed the line, and please, allow me to apologize.
Janine: No, Barbara, it's okay. Really, I'm not mad. If anything, it is moving that you care that much that you would do that for me. So I think I'm just embarrassed. Look, my mom... I love my mom. But that's my mom.
Barbara: So how'd it go?
Janine: It went okay. I handled it. Her phone's gonna get turned back on. But don't worry. We came to a compromise. I'm helping her where I can. So the trip is still on.
Barbara: Whew. [Janine chuckles] Wonderful. You had me scared. Oh, I'm happy for you.
Janine: Thank you.
Barbara: What about the massage?
Janine: Massage money is on its way to Mom. But it's all right. I'm happy I'm able to help.
Barbara: Next time.

Quote from Barbara

Janine: And now that I've set that boundary, who knows? Maybe my mom and I can get closer than ever, take our own little trip one day as mother and daughter.
Barbara: Maybe. And when you're out there by yourself, do not carry too much cash on you.
Janine: I won't. I don't have any.
Barbara: Well, you should have some. But do you have a swim cover-up? [Janine shakes her head] The Ross is having a sale.
Janine: Wait, really? Which one?
Barbara: Yes, on City Line.
Janine: I love that one.
Barbara: Girl, let me get my bag. Come on.
Janine: Okay.

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