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Quote from Janine in Mom

Vanetta: Oh, I am doing good, baby girl. I got this new job. [giggles]
Janine: Mom, you got a new job?
Vanetta: Yes. And it's work from home, which is perfect for me, because what I look like, going into an office? [chuckles]
Janine: Oh, man, that is great.
Vanetta: Yes, it is. You know, but I do got this thing going on with my phone. Um, but anyway, the hours are great on the job. So everything is going great.
Janine: Well, what's going on with your phone?
Vanetta: I shouldn't have even mentioned it. Oh, just something about me going over my data and them threatening to turn the phone off. But it's only $639.17. But, um, I'll figure it out.
Janine: Mom, they can't turn your phone off. You need your phone.
Vanetta: No, I know. But it is what it is, right?
Janine: Mom, did you just come here because you need money?
Vanetta: Janine, no. Why would you even think that? I came 'cause I wanted to see you do your thing. I'm proud of you, baby.
Janine: Mm-hmm. Well, I love you, Mom. I'm so glad you're here.
Vanetta: Me too. You know what? Let's take a picture.
Janine: Okay.
Vanetta: Capture this moment. Come here. Look at you, looking just like me. Cheese. Okay, let me send this to...
Janine: Whoa, oh, hell, look like they shut my phone off. But don't you worry about it.

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