Janine Quote #320

Quote from Janine in Mom

Barbara: Oh, Janine. I know I crossed the line, and please, allow me to apologize.
Janine: No, Barbara, it's okay. Really, I'm not mad. If anything, it is moving that you care that much that you would do that for me. So I think I'm just embarrassed. Look, my mom... I love my mom. But that's my mom.
Barbara: So how'd it go?
Janine: It went okay. I handled it. Her phone's gonna get turned back on. But don't worry. We came to a compromise. I'm helping her where I can. So the trip is still on.
Barbara: Whew. [Janine chuckles] Wonderful. You had me scared. Oh, I'm happy for you.
Janine: Thank you.
Barbara: What about the massage?
Janine: Massage money is on its way to Mom. But it's all right. I'm happy I'm able to help.
Barbara: Next time.


 ‘Mom’ Quotes

Quote from Melissa

Melissa: Long weekends just delay the inevitable. It's still a Monday, even if it's masquerading as a Tuesday.

Quote from Ava

Ava: Damn, genetics are wild. You're cool and she... [off Vanetta's look] You would beat my ass, wouldn't you?
Vanetta: Hmm.
[aside to camera:]
Ava: The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass.

Quote from Ava

Ava: I just figured out where I know Janine's mom from: the club. We danced on the same tables. Cool people should have cool babies. It's not right what happened to that woman.