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Quote from Janine in Mom

Janine: Mom, why did you come here?
Vanetta: I already told you, I miss you.
Janine: Right, but I've been calling you for months. You know, you could have just answered.
Vanetta: Well, I- I was busy. And you ain't leave no messages.
Janine: All right, so here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna call the phone company and set up a payment plan for you.
That way, they'll turn your phone back on. And then I'm going to give you the money for the first two payments, but that is it. I don't have the rest of the money to spare. I'm going on vacation. And that is what I can do for you right now, Mom. It's that option, or you're on your own. And it's totally up to you.
Vanetta: Well, I- I was gonna figure it out... But I'll take option one.
Janine: Okay.
Vanetta: Thank you, baby.
Janine: You're welcome. I love you, Mom. And you need your phone.
Vanetta: Yeah, I do, for work. And I love you too. Come here, my baby. I still don't see what's so good about this place.
Janine: Mom.

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