‘See Dick Continue to Run: Part 2’
Season 2, Episode 2 - Aired September 22, 1996
Sally, Harry and Tommy try to free Dick from the box in the basement as Evil Dick works his charms on Mary.
Quote from Tommy
Mary: What's going on? Dick is acting strangely.
Tommy: Listen, Dr. Albright. Dick, he's got a lot of baggage. It's an internal struggle.
[Dick and Evil Dick continue fighting in the living room]
Mary: Oh, that poor thing. I didn't know.
Tommy: No, you couldn't know, 'cause he's been afraid. See, he's been lonely for such a long time. And as the years went by, he fell into despair and lost all hope, for what woman could ever learn to love a beast?
Quote from Dick
Dick: So what do we do now?
Mary: Well, it's been a long night, but why don't you just put your arm around me, and we'll look up at the stars?
Dick: The stars, yes. They look like lovers locked in a celestial embrace.
Mary: Why don't you just look at those trees?
Dick: The trees, they look like lovers, their limbs exploring and fondling each other.
Mary: How about we look at that couple in the window?
Dick: Wow! They're going at it like trees.
Quote from Dick
Evil Dick: Stay and witness my moment of glory as I impregnate the entire population of Ohio with my demon progeny.
Tommy: Wait, wait, wait. Even the men?
Evil Dick: Okay, not the men.
Sally: Not little girls?
Evil Dick: No, no, not them.
Tommy: Wait. What about elderly women?
Evil Dick: I don't think so.
Harry: What about women who are already pregnant?
Evil Dick: Oh, shut up, all of you!
Quote from Sally
Sally: Sir, you're right. I can't let you rot in this box. I've got to get you out of here. Come on, guys. Blood is thicker than water.
Tommy: It is?
Sally: I think.
Harry: Well, it's not as thick as peanut butter.
Sally: You know, it's a pretty thick substance.
Tommy: Chunky peanut butter? [overlapping chatter]
Dick: Get me out of here!
Quote from Tommy
Tommy: You know, I'm sick of the new Dick. This Dick, he's one of us. I mean, so maybe he's not perfect, maybe his leadership skills verge on the pathetic, and maybe his incompetence has made our mission the laughingstock of-
Dick: I think you've made your point.
Tommy: No, I haven't made my point. The point is that he's always been there for the three of us, and it's time the three of us take a stand for him.
Quote from Sally
Sally: Oh, sure, sure. That's easy for you to say. You don't have the responsibility I do. If we let him out of that box and the Big Giant Head gets wind of it, who do you think's going to take the fall, huh? The information officer? The transmitter? I don't think so. It's going to be me, the woman. Typical.
Quote from Dick
Dick: Sally! Think of all we've been through together. When Brad dumped you, who ordered you to drink yourself silly until you had completely drowned your feelings for him?
Sally: You did.
Dick: And when I ran over your foot with the car, who drove you to the hospital the very next day?
Sally: You did.
Dick: And when you were hungry that day in the park, who stole that little girl's ice cream cone for you?
Sally: Tommy did that.
Dick: It was my idea.
Tommy: It was.
Harry: True.
Quote from Dick
Evil Dick: The lighting is romantic. The champagne chilled. And now for some erotic literature. "Make sure the 2x4 studs are cleated to the floor plates before applying the wallboard." Perfect.
Quote from Dick
Dick: Freedom! Oh! There's so much I've missed. Fresh air, the smell of bacon frying, watching talk shows with Harry. I didn't miss Jerry Springer's biker chick makeover, did I?
Harry: It was Tuesday.
Dick: Oh, damn!
Quote from Dick
Dick: Sally, why are you wearing that skirt? It makes you look frumpy.
Sally: [gasps] I knew it! That Dick upstairs said this look worked for me. You know, I hate him.
Tommy: Yeah, he crashed the rambler.
Harry: He changed my name to Tommy.
Dick: Where does that leave you?
Tommy: Uh, he calls me Tommy, too.
Dick: Is that Tommy and the number, 2--?
Tommy: Oh, I don't know. The guy's a major head case.
Dick: I've heard enough. No one dictates humiliating and irrational edicts to my family. That's my job.