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Season 4, Episode 7 -  Aired October 18, 2007

When his finances hit a rough patch, Michael takes a second job to earn more money. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam spend the night at Dwight's farm, and Andy asks Angela out on a date.

Quote from Michael Scott

Pam: What's going on? Why do you have a second job?
Michael Scott: I don't have a second job. Maybe I am having an affair with Suzanne Somers.


Quote from Michael Scott

Pam: Doesn't Jan have money?
Michael Scott: I don't talk to my girlfriend about money. It's rude and unsexual.
Kevin: True, it's best to hide our money problems from women.
Michael Scott: I totally agree with you. But I don't have money problems.

Quote from Michael Scott

Creed: Hey, cuz. Heard you're having money problems.
Michael Scott: No, you didn't.
Creed: Listen, I got the answer. You declare bankruptcy, all your problems away.

Quote from Oscar

Oscar: Okay, the green bar is what you spend every month on stuff you need. Like a car and a house.
Michael Scott: That is so cool how you have my name at the top.
Oscar: The red bar is what you spend on non-essentials, like magazines, entertainments, things like that. This scary black bar is what you spend on things that no one ever, ever needs, like multiple magic sets, professional bass fishing equipment.
Michael Scott: How do you do this so fast? Is this Powerpoint?

Quote from Michael Scott

Oscar: Michael, I'm gonna set you and Jan up with a debt consolidator. You meet with this guy-
Michael Scott: No. No. We're going to leave Jan out of this.
Oscar: She has to know.
Michael Scott: We will find another way. We'll ask Powerpoint.
Oscar: Michael, this is a presentation tool.
Michael Scott: You're a presentation tool, if you think I'm gonna tell Jan about this.

Quote from Angela

Angela: [to Andy] You may ask me out to dinner. Nothing fancy or foreign. No bars, no patios, no vegetables. And no seafood.

Quote from Jim

Pam: Jim's just really passionate about Italian food.
[later, also to camera:]
Jim: Yeah, I'm very passionate about Italian food. In fact, I'm in love with Italian food.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: I actually wrote a movie.
Woman: Really?
Michael Scott: Well, I'm writing one.
Woman: What's it about?
Michael Scott: It's sort of a spy thriller.
Nick Figaro: Hey, what's so captivating? I love captivating things. And this must really be captivating because it's keeping you off the phones. I mean, time is your money. That's how I know how captivating it is because of how much time you've spent talking.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Coat!

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Steak! Where's my steak?

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