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Season 6, Episode 6 - Aired October 15, 2009

Dwight and Andy help a worried Michael deal with an insurance salesman he fears is a mobster. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam can't escape the office drama even on their honeymoon.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Michael, incredible news. Grotti is clean.
Michael Scott: No, he's not. He's just good. Nothing sticks to him. You still don't understand how this works.
Andy: No, Michael, what we're trying to say is we made a mistake assuming he was mafia. I have a buddy who's a Fed, and we did a background check on the guy. His background is perfectly clean.
Dwight K. Schrute: It's true, he's clean. I have a couple of friends still on the force. Checked with them. Ran his Fed friend up the flagpole to make sure he wasn't on the take. Turns out he's a totally lovely guy. Sweetest guy on the force, really.
Andy: Class act. Boy scout.
Michael Scott: But Grotti acts like he's mafia, though.
Andy: He's trying to intimidate you to close sales. He's just a pushy salesman.
Dwight K. Schrute: And he made us all look like chumps.


Quote from Michael Scott

Mr. Grotti: [on speakerphone] This is Grotti.
Michael Scott: This is Scott.
Mr. Grotti: Oh, great, Michael. I'm just finishing up your paperwork right now.
Michael Scott: Oh, really? Is that supposed to scare me?
Mr. Grotti: I thought you'd be pleased.
Michael Scott: Well, you thought wrong. Because I am not pleased. I'm actually kind of P.O.'d.
Mr. Grotti: What? Why?
Michael Scott: I think you know exactly why. Because you were trying to scare me into buying insurance.
Mr. Grotti: I don't get it. How was I scaring you?
Michael Scott: I think you knew exactly what you were doing, and frankly, I think you were being a total and utter jerk. You suck!
Dwight K. Schrute: Whoa, whoa.
Michael Scott: And I'm not going to buy your stupid insurance.
Dwight K. Schrute: Let's wrap it up.
Michael Scott: How about that? The only person that actually needs insurance is you if you show your face around here again. Got it?
Mr. Grotti: Look, Michael, when we all calm down here, maybe at some point in the future, you change your mind, why don't you give give me a call?
Michael Scott: Doubt it. [hangs up] What a tool.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: What?
Andy: Next time you look in the mirror, you're gonna be looking at a guy who stood down the mafia.
Michael Scott: No. What do you mean?
Dwight K. Schrute: We just told you he wasn't mafia so you wouldn't be scared.
Michael Scott: What?
Dwight K. Schrute: You successfully backed down the mob.
Andy: You made the mafia apologize to you. You made the mafia be polite.
Michael Scott: Oh, man. I should be mad at you, guys. But I am not.

Quote from Kevin

Pam: [answering phone] Are you kidding me?
Kevin: Hi, Pam. Is Jim there?
Pam: Listen, our credit card has been canceled, and we have to deal with that, and I really can't handle the fact that you're calling us here!
Kevin: Okay, that sounds good. Um. I'll let you go. Just tell Jim that I said "Hi."
Pam: Oh, I will. I will, Kevin. I will make that my top priority.
Kevin: 'kay. [to camera:] They have no idea what happened.

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