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Job Fair

‘Job Fair’

Season 4, Episode 17 -  Aired May 8, 2008

Michael is excited to attract new interns to Dunder Mifflin at the local high school's job fair. Meanwhile, Jim hits the golf course for a sales call.

Quote from Michael Scott

Teen guy: Hello, there. What is this company?
Michael Scott: Well, it's funny that you should ask, because it's really more than a company.
Oscar: Dunder Mifflin. Paper.
Teen guy: Thanks.


Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: I want you to meet my family. Come on. Oscar Martinez, accountant extraordinaire. This is Justin.
Oscar: Hey.
Justin: Hi.
Michael Scott: This is Darryl Philbin. Isn't he big? And you already met her, Pam Beesly, office hottie. She will do you. No. No. But she has already dated two guys in the office, that we know of, so this could be number three, you never- Come here. I would never say this to her face, but she's a wonderful person and a gifted artist.
Oscar: What? Why wouldn't you say that to her face?

Quote from Kevin

Phil Maguire: Let's make it interesting. Say 10 bucks a hole?
Jim: Great.
Kevin: What are we talkin'? Skins? Acey deucy? Bingo bango bongo? Sandies, barkies, arnies? Wolf? What?

Quote from Michael Scott

Darryl: Show 'em what you brought, Mike.
Pam: That's all we brought.
Michael Scott: This is all we need.
Oscar: We'll see.
Michael Scott: Yes, we will see, Oscar. We will see, because a blank sheet of paper equals endless possibilities. Conceptual.

Quote from Andy

Andy: People assume I'm great at golf, but like everybody, I hated golf lessons when I was a kid, so I used to just hang out with the sailing club instead. Got my knot on.

Quote from Creed

Meredith: Guys, do we have to stay all day?
Phyllis: I mean, Michael's gone. Can't we just go?
Creed: Yeah. And I finished my work months ago.

Quote from Pam

Pam: There's some filing, restocking the supply shelves, replacing the water jug, which nobody likes to do. [Michael signals to Pam to stop] Um... We... eat a lot of cake.
Justin: Cool.
Pam: Yeah, and you know, you basically, you learn how an office runs.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Michael Scott: [answering cellphone] What do you want?
Dwight K. Schrute: Michael, I know you're swamped. I just thought you should know that everyone in the office has left except for Angela and I. Do not worry, though. I have taken down their names, and I have docked them a personal day.
Michael Scott: Who cares? I'm not there, Jim's not there, why should they have to be there?
Dwight K. Schrute: So what else is up?

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Justintime.
Justin: Hi.
Michael Scott: Justincase. What's your last name?
Justin: Polznik.
Michael Scott: "This just in: Justin Polznik."

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: So, what do you think? Think these guys are nice? Guys I didn't bring are even better. Justin, I'm willing to commit right now. Would you do me the honor of spending the summer with us at Dunder Mifflin? I think I think you are very special.
Justin: You didn't want me before.
Michael Scott: No-
Justin: That's what you said.
Michael Scott: No, I didn't. You misconstrued me.
Justin: You were you were kind of a jerk to me.
Michael Scott: I-
Justin: And I'm gonna go now.

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