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Happy Hour

‘Happy Hour’

Season 6, Episode 21 -  Aired March 25, 2010

Oscar wants to get close to Matt from the warehouse, so he decides it's time for all the Dunder Mifflin employees to celebrate happy hour at a bar.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Erin, I need you to fax this and get me a confirmation, pronto. [whispering] Are you going later?
Erin: Sure, if you are.
Andy: Yes.
Erin: Talk to me that way again, and I'll cut your face off.
Andy: Whoa.
[aside to camera:]
Andy: We recently struck up a romantic relationship. And, um... but we're kinda keeping it quiet for now 'cause it's still kind of a new thing. It's a little delicate, and we just don't want all the drama.
Erin: Exactly.
Andy: Yeah, cause when everyone knows- [After a knock on window, Andy opens the blinds to see Kevin making sexual gestures] That's actually pretty funny, but in general, you know.
Erin: Quiet.


Quote from Kevin

Kevin: Well, when a new mom hears a baby cry, her you-know-what's fill up with you-know-what, and then her shirt gets, you know... that would be funny.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Oh, wow, I cannot believe this is happening. This is everything I dreamed. Oh, my God! [laughs]
Jim: Easy.
Michael Scott: It's not a birthday, it's not a good-bye party...
Jim: Oh, hey, Pam and I are gonna go play pool with one of her friends, and we need a fourth.
Michael Scott: Sucks to be you.
Jim: Would you like to be our fourth?
Michael Scott: That would be sublime.

Quote from Pam

Pam: This is my friend Julie.
Michael Scott: Hello, how are you?
Julie: Good. Hi.
Michael Scott: What is a nice girl like you hanging out with these bums for? [Julie laughs]
[aside to camera:]
Pam: Julie laughs at everything.

Quote from Michael Scott

Julie: So you work with Pam and Jim?
Michael Scott: Oh, no, no. Pam and Jim work for me. And if they win, they are fired.
Julie: [giggles] I should hope not.
Michael Scott: No. No, not really. Not really, but they better not win.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Angela: And then they said the most ridiculous thing about Anderson Cooper, which I do not have the decency to repeat, but trust me when I tell you that-
Dwight K. Schrute: Hold that thought. Well, well, well. If it isn't Isabel.
Isabel: Mm-hmm.
Dwight K. Schrute: What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
Isabel: A girl like me is why a guy like you comes to a place like this.
Dwight K. Schrute: Ooh, I love repartee.
Isabel: Do you?
Dwight K. Schrute: Usually means there's a battle scene coming.

Quote from Kevin

Kevin: Waaaah! [Kevin cries into Pam's chest] Waaaaah! Mommy!
Jim: What is happening?

Quote from Ryan

Kelly: Only three tickets.
Ryan: If we save 'em up, we can get more than a sticker this time.
Kelly: Stop telling me how to spend my tickets.
Ryan: I know, but you wanted the big thing.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Wow, can you imagine what people would say if they saw us dancing together?
Erin: Oh I know.
Andy: They'd be like, "What's up with those two?"
Erin: "Hey, guys, get a bedroom already."
Andy: "Did we miss the wedding?" Um, I got it. I'll do this, and you play the racing game, and then we'll switch.

Quote from Jim

Jim: [As Michael plays air guitar on pool table] Wow. Maybe we should tell her that he's not normally like this.
Pam: Maybe it should come from a man.
Jim: Maybe it should come from a note... with flowers... tomorrow.

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