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Season 3, Episode 18 - Aired February 22, 2007

Michael and Jan go public about their relationship when they attend a work party at the CFO's house. Meanwhile, Pam demands Roy join her and her colleagues at a bar after work.

Quote from Jan

Michael Scott: [on the car phone] Okay, Jan? Jan, this party is actually a very big step for us. So I-
Jan: I'm still on speaker?
Michael Scott: I- I- I don't know.
Jan: Are the cameras there?
Michael Scott: Maybe.
Jan: Okay. See you soon.


Quote from Michael Scott

Dwight K. Schrute: You're dressed exactly like the servants.
Michael Scott: Shut up. Okay, change shirts with me.
Dwight K. Schrute: Wait. I don't think yours will fit me.
Michael Scott: I don't care.

Quote from Kevin

Pam: Kevin, you and Stacy set a date yet?
Kevin: Yeah.
Kelly: Oh, my God. When is it?
Kevin: It's complicated. I would appreciate some space on this.

Quote from Jan

Michael Scott: What you looking for? You bring dip?
Jan: I'm sure that it's catered. I need you to sign these, Michael. It's a waiver of some of your rights. You should read it carefully. It releases the company in the event that our relationship, in your opinion or in reality, interferes with work. You get a copy, I get a copy and a third copy goes to HR.
Michael Scott: Awesome. I'm gonna frame mine. I could frame yours, too. You realize this is- This is a legal document that says you can't sue the company-
Michael Scott: Over our love.
Jan: I've never told you that I love you.
Michael Scott: You don't have to, Jan. This contract says it all.

Quote from Jan

Jan: What's this over the "I"?
Michael Scott: It's a heart.

Quote from Jan

Michael Scott: I love this woman!
Jan: Oh, God. Michael, please. Michael, please.

Quote from Karen

Guy: So did the merger go smoothly or-
Michael Scott: It did. "Like butter." Mike Myers, SNL. You should ask Karen. She was one of them.
Karen: I'm the only one left. Everybody else was either fired or quit. And there's one in anger management.

Quote from Michael Scott

Rachel: Can I get anyone anything?
Michael Scott: I could go for an appe-teaser.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Yeah, these studs are way too far apart. What's in here?
Rachel: That's a guest room.
Dwight K. Schrute: Just the one window?
Rachel: [phone rings] Oh, I must get that. You'll have to excuse me.
Dwight K. Schrute: Are those real pearls?
Rachel: Yes.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Why are we- Why are we going in the bathroom? I thought this was where you liked your privacy.

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