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Business Trip

‘Business Trip’

Season 5, Episode 8 - Aired November 13, 2008

Michael, Andy and Oscar travel to Canada to make a sales call. Meanwhile, Jim is counting down the days until Pam returns, and Ryan tries to get back with Kelly.

Quote from Andy

Andy: I had a good time hanging out this weekend.
Oscar: I had a good time, too.
Andy: Wingman for life. W.M.F.L.
Oscar: Thank you.
Andy: You up for a chest bump?
Oscar: No.
Andy: Bro hug?
[Oscar holds his hand out for Andy to shake]
Andy: Back to basics. I like it.


Quote from Andy

Andy: I had to go all the way to Canada to get to know a guy who sits 20 feet away from me. And he's delightful!

Quote from Pam

Pam: I'm coming back the wrong way. It's not because of you. I don't like graphic design. That's it. Stop smiling.
I really didn't like it. It's just designing logos and stuff. And I missed Scranton. But it is not because I missed you.
I just really wanted to come home. And I know you said to come home the right way, but you can't tell me what to do. Got it?
Jim: I missed you.
Pam: I missed you, too.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: You're back.
Pam: Uh, yeah.
Dwight K. Schrute: Good. I need you to make five copies of these.
Pam: I'm not going inside.
Dwight K. Schrute: All right. First thing in the morning, then.
Jim: [to Pam] Welcome back.

Quote from Andy

Angela: [answering the phone] Hello?
Andy: What is wrong with you?
Oscar: Why won't you do Andy?
Angela: What?
Andy: That's Oscar and he wants to know why you won't do me, and I think it's a valid question.
Angela: Are you drunk?
Andy: This is Andy Bernard.
Angela: I know who this is.
Andy: I wanna take you to sex school.
Angela: What?
Dwight K. Schrute: [at Angela's] Who is that, monkey?
Andy: Is somebody there?
Angela: Are you drunk?
Andy: I have needs.
Angela: We will discuss this later.
Andy: Naked.
Angela: What?
Andy: I want to see you naked.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Welcome to Cribs, the Business class edition. Check this out. Mimosa.
Andy: Sweet!
Michael Scott: Handed it to me. As I sat down. This was my hot towel. It is still wet.
Andy: Michael G. Scott, rollin' like a pimp!

Quote from Jim

Kevin: T- minus...
Jim: 6.5 days.
[Creed rubs Jim's shoulders and leans in close]
Creed: One more week.
[aside to camera:]
Jim: Pam comes back from New York next week and everyone here has just been so excited for me. And involved. And intrusive. And weird.
Phyllis: One more week.
Stanley: Heh heh. [Stanley gives Jim a naughty look]

Quote from Andy

Michael Scott: Where's my translator?
Andy: Ici, monsieur. I'm just bidding a bon voyage à la mon petite fiancée. Translation: Good-bye, my petite fiancée.
Angela: Be good.
Andy: I will try.
Angela: Meaning what?
Andy: Meaning I will try to get other dudes laid.

Quote from Meredith

Michael Scott: Our town car awaits.
Meredith: It's just a van.
Michael Scott: It's not just a van.
Meredith: Look, I know my way around a van. That is just a van.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Yes, this is Beth. This is my personal valet, slash flight attendant, and she'll be helping me this morning.
Beth: We need to keep the aisle clear.
Michael Scott: Get back. Get back, come on. Get back to the slums!

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