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Beach Games

‘Beach Games’

Season 3, Episode 23 - Aired May 10, 2007

After Michael is invited to apply for a job at Corporate, he decides to use the annual office beach trip to find a worthy successor for his role.

Quote from Angela

Michael Scott: Who among you has the guts to replace me? Let him walk across these coals.
Kevin: Are you gonna try it?
Angela: I'm not gonna walk in the fire after your disgusting feet have gone through.
Kevin: Angela, it is a million degrees.


Quote from Pam

Pam: I'm gonna do it. And I fully expect to burn my feet and go to the hospital. That's the right spirit when doing a coal walk, right?

Quote from Michael Scott

Kevin: Why don't you go, Michael?
Michael Scott: Because I already did. Remember? I burned my foot on the George Foreman Grill.
Jim: That is not the same at all. If you're gonna ask other people to do it, you should do it yourself.
Michael Scott: All right, okay. All right. Fine. Okay. Okay. Go. The mind has to wrap around the foot.
Ryan: ... Okay.
Pam: You want us to count to three?
Michael Scott: Yes, count to three, please.
All: Three, two, one! Three, two, one!
Michael Scott: Count the other way. No, no. Count one, two, three. Okay, okay. Not three, two, one.
All: One, two, three. Go! Do it! Go, Michael.
Michael Scott: Wait. Am I going on "go" or am I going on "three"?
Creed: On the "go" that's after "three".
Michael Scott: Okay.
All: One, two, three, go!

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Michael Scott: Okay, Dwight, your turn.
Dwight K. Schrute: Wow us. The Aristocrats. A man and his wife and children go into the offices of a talent agency. And the talent agent says, "Describe your act." And the man says something really, really raunchy.
And the talent representative says, "What do you call yourselves?" And the man says, "The Aristocrats." I mean, truly repulsive acts.
Michael Scott: That is a very, very funny story.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Oscar, you brought your Speedo, I assume?
Oscar: I don't wear a Speedo, Michael.
Michael Scott: Well, you can't swim in leather pants. [laughing] I'm just yanking your chain. Not literally.

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