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Back from Vacation

‘Back from Vacation’

Season 3, Episode 12 - Aired January 4, 2007

When Michael returns from his Jamaican vacation with a relaxed attitude, it doesn't last long after he reveals Jan joined him on holiday.

Quote from Karen

Karen: I think I owe you one.
Pam: Sorry?
Karen: For talking sense into Halpert. The Days Inn Room 228 was staring to get really depressing.
Pam: Yeah, I know, don't worry about it. I mean, he was being ridiculous.
Karen: Yeah. But thanks, seriously.


Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Jim: All right, let's get started. Oh, first off, we're supposed to be pushing card stock this week. So, let's push card stock this week. Uh, also- What is this?
Dwight K. Schrute: Tape recorder.
Jim: For what?
Dwight K. Schrute: For recording. Michael is on vacation and he has asked me to record all meetings and to type up the transcripts.

Quote from Andy

Andy: I am now chopping off Phyllis' head with a chain saw! [mimicking chainsaw noise]

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Aren't you going to ask me how Jamaica was? Say it. Ask me.
Pam: How was Jamaica?
Michael Scott: It was so good! Oh. Hey, mon! At Sandals, Jamaica, when somebody says, "Hey, mon," everybody says, "Hey, mon," back.

Quote from Karen

Karen: I still haven't found an apartment yet. I'm living in a hotel. Yesterday, I saw a for-rent sign down the street from Jim, and he said he didn't think it'd be such a good idea. He said it would be like we were living together. In different houses. Two blocks away.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: [playing the conch shell] Feelin' hot, hot, hot! Feelin' hot, hot, hot! Feelin' hot, hot, hot! Feelin' hot, hot, hot! [talking] That's all I know so far, but I'm gonna keep practicing.
Pam: It's good.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: You know, I had never been out of the country before now. I got to see how Jamaicans live. It is great. You know, they just relax, they party all the time.
Pam: It's kind of an impoverished country.
Michael Scott: Yeah. Gosh. Great.

Quote from Michael Scott

Pam: Oh, my God. Is that Jan?
Michael Scott: What?
Kevin: Where?
Dwight K. Schrute: What?
Pam: On the left.
Michael Scott: No, no, no. That's- No, that's a German woman named Urgle Grue.

Quote from Pam

Pam: No, I didn't mind helping Jim with his problem. That's what friends do. I help Phyllis all the time. Just yesterday, I untangled a piece of tape from her hair.

Quote from Michael Scott

Toby: You know, for your own protection, you should disclose the relationship to HR.
Michael Scott: I bet you would love all the details, wouldn't you, you skeevy little perv?
Toby: All right. If you're having a relationship with your superior, you must disclose it.
Michael Scott: No, no. No, I am not dating Jan. She was very clear about that. Just two like souls having a romantic time in the most romantic place on Earth. Got enough, weirdo?

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