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Unbraceable You

‘Unbraceable You’

Season 6, Episode 1 - Aired September 24, 2014

After a quiet and relaxing summer, the Hecks come crashing back to reality when they realize the school year has already started. Sue is hopeful her orthodontist, Dr. Niller (Richard Kind, Spin City), will finally remove her braces so she can start the "Year of Sue" on a high note. Meanwhile, Axl beats Mike at basketball for the first time, and Brick searches for a new backpack for school.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [types on keyboard] "Frankie1234." [sighs] "Colin Firth." Hmm. [clicks tongue] "Mrs. Frankie Firth?" Yes! I should write that down. Eh. Nah, I'll remember.


Quote from Brick

Brick: [sighs] That was the longest day of my life. Which is ironic, seeing as I was only there for 47 minutes.
Frankie: Oh, no. What happened?
Brick: Well, because I missed the first four days of school, I have no idea what we're studying, and neither do the assorted ne'er-do-wells who share the back row with me. My options for gym shorts were either adult large or a youth extra-small. Oh, and I have to play Hitler in the school play.

Quote from Axl

Axl: [yawns] Hey, Brick. [clears throat] I think I broke Dad today. Have you noticed he's been, like, slowing down a little lately?
Brick: Hmm. I don't know. I mean, he does seem to moan more when he sits down. And last week, he increased my allowance so I would tie his shoes.
Axl: [inhales sharply] I beat him for the first time in basketball the other day, and, uh, it felt so good. But then I beat him two more times, and it didn't feel as good. Do you think that's weird?
Brick: I know you don't pay that much attention to me, but I'm not really a sports person.
Axl: [scoffs] It's not just a sports thing, Brick. I-I'm not supposed to beat Dad at anything.
Brick: Why?
Axl: 'Cause Dad's Dad. He's like, you know, all powerful and stuff.
Brick: So why don't you just let him win?
Axl: Well, 'cause if I let him win, he'll think I feel sorry for him, and he'll feel even worse. If I'm gonna play him, I got to try my hardest, and if I try my hardest, I will beat him. See, this is where my awesomeness works against me.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Aah! This was supposed to be The Year of Sue. [breathes heavily] I'm missing everything. I missed my first last Monday of my senior year. I missed my first last Tuesday of my senior year. I missed my first...
Frankie: We know how a calendar works, Sue.
Mike: Apparently, we don't.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Hey. Take another shot at the old man before you head back to school? Your school didn't start already, did it?
Axl: No, but yours did, 'cause you just got into the school of Axl where you'll be majoring in getting your butt kicked with a minor in humiliation.
Mike: Uh-oh! [ball bounces] Little late in the summer for a block party, isn't it? Go.
Frankie: [v.o.] Mike wasn't the kind of dad who'd let his kids win at anything.
[flashback to Mike hitting a young Axl in the face with a ping pong ball:]
Mike: 7-0. That's called a skunk, my friend.
[flashback to Mike playing Connect 4 with a young Axl:]
Mike: Hey, dummy, I win. See? Right here.

Quote from Sue

Dr. Niller: There's my star patient. How you doing, Sue?
Sue: Pretty good, except...
Dr. Niller: And there's mom. How's mom doing?
Frankie: Well...
Dr. Niller: Okay. Let's take a look. Open for me.
Sue: Uh-huh.
Dr. Niller: Looks very good.
Sue: Uh-huh.
Dr. Niller: No, I mean it. This is exactly what I've been hoping to see today. The incisors are finally in the right place, the premolars are rotated beautifully.
Sue: [muffled] Well, I have been wearing my rubber bands.
Dr. Niller: I've got to tell you, Sue, this is precisely what we've been waiting for. There's only one thing left to say. [Sue squeals] I'll see you in three months. [Sue screeches]

Quote from Frankie

Sue: Guys, you're staring at me.
Mike: Sorry, but the last time I saw you without braces, you were 9 years old. You're just so beautiful.
Sue: Oh, Dad. [chuckles] I'm just the same old Sue.
Axl: I'm trying to think of an insult, and I-I can't.
Frankie: Okay. Throw out whatever you got for dinner, 'cause we are having a special meal to celebrate. We got whatever Sue wanted... Taffy, caramel, caramel apples, jelly beans.
Sue: Oh, kettle corn, candy corn, and last but not least [singsong voice] bit-o-honey.
Frankie: And remember, you got to have some greens, so everybody take a jolly rancher.

Quote from Brick

Brick: Isn't this great? It fits everything... my books, my gym clothes, some candy from last night's dinner, a hairdryer in case someone gives me a swirly. [sighs] So, what do you think, Mom? Did I nail it? [Brick seals his guitar case]
Frankie: Yeah, it's fine.
Brick: Yep. It's the perfect bag for me.
[As Brick tries to lift the guitar case off the table, it falls to the floor. Brick instead drags it behind him.]

Quote from Brick

Brick: What do you think? Mom carried me in this. Well, actually, it was the Fergusons' baby, but... I can access my snacks through the leg holes.
Axl: I thought you were using the guitar case.
Brick: Actually, there was a slight snag with the guitar case.
[flashback to the guitar case sliding down the stairs at school before splitting open on the floor. A crowd of kids gathers to rummage through the candy.]

Quote from Frankie

Mike: Frankie, what the hell is going on? Why did Niller take them off if he knew she wasn't ready? He- He recommended this?!
Frankie: Recommended-ish.
Mike: This is nuts! The guy's building a lake house with our money, and our daughter ends up like this? I'm going down there.
Frankie: You can't.
Mike: Why can't I?
Sue: Mom forced him to take them off!
Mike: What?!
Frankie: Forced-ish.
Sue: Dr. Niller said that my bones are spongy so I was gonna have to wait another three months, and then Mom yelled at him, so he took them off anyway.
Frankie: Well, I was trying to get you your Year of Sue. Oh, sure, everybody wants their year, but nobody wants to get their hands dirty.

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