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The Yelling

‘The Yelling’

Season 1, Episode 14 - Aired February 3, 2010

Frankie's attempt to show the kids how unreasonable they can be backfires when she sees how much she yells at them. Frankie tries to yell at the kids less by trusting them to take care of things for themselves. Meanwhile, Mike takes a night job with Bob.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Brick, your dad's going to the mall. You wanna go with him to look for a hat? [Brick keeps reading] Brick? Any response would be nice. [Brick holds up a finger for Frankie to wait]


Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] And once I started, I couldn't stop. This thing was power.
[montage on Frankie's phone camera:]
Axl: God, I hear you. "Do your paper." "Have you done your paper?"
Sue: I will!
Axl: I did!
Brick: I am!
Sue: Ugh!
Axl: Ugh!
Brick: Ugh!

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] After several days of collecting evidence, it was show time. I wasn't doing this for myself. I was doing it for moms through the ages who'd had enough.
Mike: Hey, honey.
Bob: Hey, Mike.
Mike: Oh, hey, Bob.
Frankie: Bob was just helping me set up that thing I told you about that I wanna show the kids.
Mike: Oh. How long's that gonna take?
Frankie: [v.o.] I had long ago accepted Mike and Bob weren't gonna ever be friends. It's not that Mike didn't like Bob, it's just... Yeah, he just didn't like him.

Quote from Bob

Bob: So. Michael Michael Bo-Bichael. [chuckles] How goeth the job search? [playfully punches Mike]
Mike: Little slow. That's why I like to come home and relax.
Bob: Hey. I'm an idiot. Why didn't I think of this? The guy riding shotgun on my night shift delivering Little Betty snack cakes just quit. If you're interested, I can put your name in. It's union pay. Easy gig.
Mike: I don't know, Bob. I wouldn't wanna put you out.
Frankie: Union pay. Easy gig. Mike.
Mike: Sounds great. Riding with you, huh?
Bob: Yeah.

Quote from Bob

Axl: [answers phone] Hey.
Bob: Hey. Axl, it's Bob.
Frankie: Axl's home? He's supposed to be at the library. Ask him if he's working on his Aztec paper.
Bob: So... what you doing there, buddy?
Axl: Nothing. Just hanging out.
Frankie: Is he watching TV?
Bob: So you... You watching TV?
Axl: This is getting kind of creepy, Bob.
Frankie: Ask him to tell you the difference between the Mayan and Aztec cultures.
Bob: I don't know how to work that naturally into the conversation.
Axl: Bob, are you talking to my mother?
Bob: No, haven't seen her. Bye. [hangs up] I think he's on to us.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] This was gonna be harder than I thought. Days were passing. And who knew if they were living up to the deal. They weren't saying anything and I couldn't ask.
[montage of Frankie arriving home each night to find the kids all on the couch in front of the TV:]
Frankie: Hey. There's my hard-working kids.
Frankie: Hey, there's my kids.
Frankie: There's... a lot on TV this week, huh?
Frankie: [v.o.] The urge to yell and nag was building, but that's okay. I knew how to deal with it.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Honey, you said you wanted to trust the kids. Why don't you try actually doing it. They might surprise you. You know, this morning Sue was cleaning her room.
Frankie: Really?
Mike: They're growing up, Frankie. Cut yourself some slack and focus on what's really important. Helping me figure out. how the hell I'm gonna get through a whole night stuck in a truck with Bob.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Wow. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the best and most amazing thing of all... Axl was writing his history paper. On his own. Without any nagging or yelling from me.

Quote from Bob

Bob: Welcome to my time, Mike. The town begins to sleep and we can prowl in the silence.
Mike: Yeah, I can't really hear the silence.
Bob: [phone beeps] Oh, look at that. My lady owl awakes. Hey there, pretty bird. First night on the road with my BFF Mike.
Mike: Not really sure you should do that while you're driving.
Bob: It's fine. I'm a fast texter. [car horn blares]
Mike: Bob, knock it off and drive.
Bob: [phone beeps] Oh! Read it to me.
Mike: No.
Bob: Come on. What does she say? [truck horn blares]
Mike: "Hey, Bobby beast-boy." Since you're swerving anyway, can you find a bridge or something and make it quick?

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Turns out Mike was right. The kids had surprised me. I felt this new sense of freedom opening up for me... endless possibilities. Like finally using those bath salts I got for Mother's Day. 2001.

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