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The Second Act

‘The Second Act’

Season 4, Episode 3 - Aired October 3, 2012

After Frankie loses her job at Ehlert Motors, she decides to go back to school rather than bouncing into another crummy job. Meanwhile, Sue mentors a new freshman at school, and Mike is angry at Brick when he is too busy reading a book to talk to Mike's coworker.

Quote from Brick

Mike: Okay, I'm trying to let you off the hook here, but you need to get that you did something wrong. You ignored me and the Morrisons three times.
Brick: Not three times, 'cause the first time I didn't even hear you.
Mike: Whatever. You ignored me twice.
Brick: So I'm being punished for ignoring you twice?
Mike: I told you, I'm not punishing you.
Brick: 'cause I'm just saying, when you're reading the sports page, and I try to talk to you, you tell me I'm being rude for interrupting. But when someone interrupts my reading, I get punished.
Mike: I'm not punishing you!
Brick: I just need some clarification.
Mike: You want some clarification? Fine. You're punished. Two weeks!
Brick: Two weeks without what?
Mike: [o.s.] I'll get back to you!


Quote from Axl

Axl: Mom, you can do this. If you look hard enough, you can find that straight A student. And when you do, try to sit right next to them so you can copy off their test.
Frankie: [chuckles] I don't know. Maybe I can. But even if could, like, how am I gonna study or do homework? It's not like the laundry's gonna stop coming.
Axl: Mom... You don't need to do this all alone.
Frankie: Really?
Axl: Yeah. It's about time Dad, Sue, and Brick started pulling their weight around here.
Frankie: Yeah.

Quote from Axl

Sue: This is going to be the best year ever, because now that I'm a soph - that's short for "sophomore" - I get to be a mentor to an incoming freshman. It's an amazing program. It really keeps newbies from falling through the cracks.
Axl: Sue, nobody cares about your stupid suck-more activities. This year is all about the seniors. Seniors rule!
Mike: Is he gonna be doing that all year?

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Well, anybody wants a ride, let's go. Don't forget... I'm working a double shift, so you're on your own for dinner. And if you can get to it, there's old Thanksgiving turkey in the back of the freezer.
Mike: Hey, Brick, after school, you're coming to my softball game with me.
Brick: Softball game? Why don't you just take me to the beach?

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] While Sue was lying down the rules of high school survival, I was all too versed in the rules of Ehlert survival... hide the sprinkled doughnuts in your purse for later, shuffle papers so you look busy, and know that the first thing out of Ehlert's mouth when he see you will always be an insult.
Mr. Ehlert: Afternoon, Frances. You look nice today.
Frankie: Thank you?
Mr. Ehlert: See you in my office?

Quote from Mike

Mr. Morrison: Hey, Mike. I don't know if you know my son. Brian, say "hello" to Mr. Heck.
Brian: Hi, Mr. Heck. Nice to meet you.
Mike: Nice to meet you, too, Brian. This is my son Brick. Brick, say "hello" to the Morrisons.
[Brick holds up a finger as he continues to read his book]
Mike: I said, say "hello" to the Morrisons.
Brick: I'm reading.
Mike: And I'm waiting for you to say "hello" to the Morrisons.
Brick: Fine. Hello. Happy?
Brad: Whoa. You'd kill me if I talked to you like that.
Mr. Morrison: You bet I would.
Mike: Don't worry. I'll be killing him later.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Jenna, there you are. I have an answer for you on that late bus question.
Jenna: Oh, I forgot to tell you. I was looking at all the different things to try out for, and I decided to go for cheerleading, and... I made it!
Sue: Wow! Are you sure you made it? Because sometimes they say you made it, and then you tell everyone the good news, including your pen pals in Brazil and Toronto, but then they call you down to the gym to tell you that you didn't make it.
Jenna: I'm pretty sure I made it. They gave me a uniform and everything.
Sue: They did? My God. Look at that! You're a cheerleader. I'm a Wrestlerette. It's funny how they matched us up so perfectly.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: How was work?
Mike: Not bad. How was... not working?
Frankie: Well, I've been doing laundry for two hours. Livin' the dream.
Mike: Damn it. I forgot to punish Brick.
Frankie: He didn't lick another mailbox again, did he?
Mike: No, but after the game yesterday, he was a real jerk. I didn't want to make a scene in front of the guys, but I was pretty pissed. Then I had a couple beers and I forgot about it.

Quote from Brick

Brick: Man, I'm beat.
Mike: Hey, hold on a sec. I wanna talk to you.
Brick: I got picked on by a third grader, but when I told my teacher, he said since I'm in fifth now, I should just handle it. So I went back to reason with the third grader, and he took my lunch, pushed me down, and had the rest of the third graders stand on me. Sorry. What did you want to talk to me about again?
Mike: Eh... I'll, uh, catch you later.

Quote from Sue

Frankie: The point is, your dad and I have decided that it's not too late for me to have a second act.
Axl: Oh, no. Is she gonna start beading again?
Mike: No. Your Mom agreed that was dumb.
Sue: It's not dumb. I love Mom's beading. She made me this necklace. [beads fall off]

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