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The Second Act

‘The Second Act’

Season 4, Episode 3 - Aired October 3, 2012

After Frankie loses her job at Ehlert Motors, she decides to go back to school rather than bouncing into another crummy job. Meanwhile, Sue mentors a new freshman at school, and Mike is angry at Brick when he is too busy reading a book to talk to Mike's coworker.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] I just had to get out of there without crying, because you don't want to be the woman who loses it at work.
Frankie: Well, I know what you're all thinking... Frankie get another promotion! [laughs] N-no. I-I got canned. But, hey, on the plus side, I was thinking about knocking off early anyway. [laughs]
Bob: This can't be happening. It is total bull-roar.
Frankie: It's okay, Bob. We'll still see each other. [Bob hugs Frankie]
Frankie: Okay.
Pete: Frankie! I just heard the news. I can't believe it.
Frankie: You knew, didn't you?
Pete: Weeks ago.
Frankie: Well... Doesn't matter, Pete, 'cause I'm gonna be okay. You know what they say... when one door closes, another one opens. [Frankie struggles to open the door] Can somebody open this door for me? Thanks, Bob. Well... This really wasn't such a horrible place to come to every day... and it's because of you guys. Bye.
Man: Dibs on her desk.
Frankie: [v.o.] Well, I did it. It was hard, but I got out of there with my head held high.
Man: [over PA] Frankie, we're gonna miss you. [Frankie sobs in her car] And you left your purse on your chair.
Frankie: Crap. [sobs]


Quote from Mike

Mike: I don't get it. Fired unless you sell more cars?
Frankie: No. Fired.
Mike: As in, he's gonna cut back your hours?
Frankie: Yes, Mike, he's gonna cut back my hours. He's gonna cut back all my hours. How are you not getting this?
Mike: Wow. So Ehlert really fired you. [sighs] Okay. So you're fired. We've taken hits before. We'll get through this.
Frankie: On the plus side, I didn't make that much money to begin with.
Mike: No, you did not.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: So your dad and I have some news.
Axl: Yes! I'm gettin' a new car! Whoo!
Mike: What?
Axl: I've totally been eavesdropping on you guys, and I overheard mom talking about a "meeting with Ehlert" and "it's time for a fresh start." And I'm gettin' a new car! In your faces! Seniors rule! Continue.
Mike: You're not getting a new car.

Quote from Sue

Mike: Your mom lost her job.
Brick: You got fired?
Frankie: No, I wasn't fired. I was let go.
Sue: Oh, no. Are we gonna lose the house? I can't go to Hickory Farms. I can't.
Frankie: It's Hickory Arms, and we're not moving anywhere.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: We decided that instead of me getting another random job, I'm gonna go back to school and pursue an actual career. But that means in the short-term, we're all gonna have to tighten our belts around here.
Axl: My God. I thought you were getting me a car. Now you're saying we're gonna be even poorer? I can't believe this! I was so nice to you guys all summer! I barely even yelled at you, and this is how you thank me?!

Quote from Brick

Brick: A teacher at my school got fired because she had an inappropriate relationship. Did you have an inappropriate relationship?
Frankie: No.

Quote from Axl

Mike: Stop whining, Axl. It's called being part of a family, so we're gonna handle this as a family. And where the hell did Brick go? Brick, get back in here! I still gotta talk to...
Brick: This is my gap year fund, but you can have it if it helps out.
Axl: See? Now this is a good brother. He's chipping in for my new car. [smashes the piggy bank]

Quote from Frankie

Mike: What's that?
Frankie: Powdered milk. It'll last us, like, nine months and save us a bundle. Help me unload the car and I'll scoop you a nice tall glass.

Quote from Brad

Brad: I'm not even talking to my mentee. I don't want to say what happened, but there was a gift of a signed Jersey Boys playbill that was not graciously received.

Quote from Brick

Mike: Brick, I need to talk to you. [Brick raises his finger as he reads his book] Now.
Brick: Go.
Mike: I wanted you to know that what you did at the sub shop the other day was not okay. And, uh, I'm not gonna punish you anymore at this point 'cause time has passed. But you need to understand that you were rude and disrespectful.
Brick: W-what'd I do again?
Mike: You ignored me and the Morrisons.
Brick: Okay. But in my defense, I was at the end of a book.
Mike: That doesn't make a difference.
Brick: Not to you. You're not a big reader.
Mike: Look, I'm not punishing you, but you can never talk to me like that again, especially in public with other people around. It's embarrassing.
Brick: Really? But you guys weren't embarrassed to be, like, 50 and walk-running around those bases?

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