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Please Don't Feed The Hecks

‘Please Don't Feed The Hecks’

Season 9, Episode 2 - Aired October 10, 2017

After Nancy thanks Frankie for giving her an old scarf by presenting the Hecks with a delicious apple pie, Frankie thinks she's stumbled onto the perfect way to get free food. Sue and Lexie are shocked to discover their college apartment has been illegally rented out to a man who refuses to leave. Meanwhile, Axl gets a job driving a school bus, and Brick invites his father to talk at career day.

Quote from Nancy Donahue

Frankie: Oh, hey, Nancy.
Nancy: Hey, Frankie. An Orson time capsule chairwoman's job is never done. I had to take a peek at each capsule before the big burying, and I'm sorry to say you're not allowed to put in anything with liquid.
Frankie: Liquid? What liquid? [gasp] Oh. Sue's snow globe. Oh, no, this was a mistake. This should never have gone in there. Sorry about that.
Nancy: No worries. You can't believe what I've seen. One guy tried to put in his long johns. Can you imagine? The city of Orson digging it up in 100 years, thinking we were all perverts!
Frankie: [laughs] We'll find something else. Maybe I should put in our gas bill. Then they can hound my descendents.
Nancy: [laughs] I always admire your ability to laugh in the face of adversity.


Quote from Nancy Donahue

Nancy: Ooh, why don't you ever wear this scarf? It's beautiful.
Frankie: Really? You think it's beautiful? You think it's a scarf?
Nancy: Oh, it's so pretty. I love it.
Frankie: You know what? Take it.
Nancy: No. I couldn't.
Frankie: No, really. It's been hanging there for years. Somebody should enjoy it.
Nancy: Frankie, I can't remember the last time I got something this nice. [blows dust off it] I'm gonna steam-clean it, and then I'm gonna wear it.

Quote from Nancy Donahue

Nancy: Guess who? Here's a hint... she's wearing a beautiful scarf from the best neighbor in the world.
Frankie: Aww. [chuckles] Hey, I don't remember it being purple.
Nancy: I know. It turned into a whole 'nother color when I cleaned it. [Frankie chuckles] So, as a thank you, I spent all afternoon baking my special apple pie. I don't even make it for the school anymore. It causes riots.
Frankie: [gasps] Oh, Nancy, you didn't have to do that.
Nancy: Oh, I wanted to. Well, I got to run. Ron likes to meet at Chili's for happy hour. Keeps the spark alive. Usually I just go as Nancy, but tonight, maybe I'll be... [whispers] Yolanda.
Frankie: Wow. [chuckles] That's a lot to know.

Quote from Brick

Brick: Dad, can I bother you?
Mike: Highly likely.
Brick: Um, my Life Skills class is having this career day where parents come and talk about their jobs. I know it's probably something you wouldn't want to do, but it's been a little tough for me so far this year. No girlfriend, no social scene on the bus. And the freshmen are all taller than me. Anyway, I think it could be fun If you want. [sighs] So there it is. No whoops, no whispers, just a boy standing in front of a dad asking him to speak at Career Exploration Day.
Mike: No.

Quote from Brad

Frankie: [v.o.] After five days of sleeping in her car, Sue decided... professor or not... she had to get her apartment back. And the only way to do that was to be a strong woman. So she sought out the best drama coach she knew.
Brad: Okay, let's ease in with a scene from Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Are you okay with hair pulling? 'Cause I am if it's for art.
Sue: Actually, I just wanted to practice what I was gonna say, so I need you to be Professor Beckett.
Brad: Got it. What's he like?
Sue: Just be mean.
Brad: Mean. I'm a mean man. Go. Go now. I'm there.
Sue: [clears throat] Professor Beckett, there is no doubt this is an untenable situation for both of us, but I just want to be clear about what exactly my expectations are here. [Brad smiles] Brad, what are you doing? You're supposed to be mean!
Brad: I'm sorry. It's just so hard. You're too adorable. It's like a gumdrop started talking to me. Okay. Okay. I got this.
Sue: [sighs] [clears throat] Professor Beckett, there's no doubt this is an untenable...
Brad: Tell it to someone who cares. Think everything revolves around you, don't you, sister?
Sue: He's not gonna talk like that.
Brad: Oh, what if he does? What if he gets right up in your grill and tells you you're weak or desperate or your purse is an obvious knock-off? You gonna cry? Huh, little girl? You gonna cry?
Sue: [voice breaking] No.
Brad: This was good work. I think in a month or two, you'll be ready. [Sue cries]

Quote from Axl

Axl: Hey, I need to talk to you! Brick told me you're not going to his career day.
Mike: That's right.
Axl: Why not?
Mike: 'Cause I don't want to.
Axl: Oh, boo-hoo. I don't want to get up and drive a bus at dawn, but I do it.
Mike: You've done it for three days.
Axl: In a row!

Quote from Sean Donahue

Sue: Uh, how's it going?
Sean: Great. Got to watch them restart a guy's heart this morning, then I went to class. Ha! Med school humor. [chuckles] Um, I know another one that's funnier, but it's kind of dirty. I don't feel comfortable telling it.
Sue: Sorry. It's not you. We're just down. It's a long story. We sublet our apartment to Derek and Andy, and they sub-sublet it to this guy who turned out to be my professor, so we can't kick him out and he won't leave, so we've been sleeping in our cars.
Lexie: When people say, "It's a long story," they don't usually tell the long story.
Sue: It's also brought out a pretty mean side of Lexie.
Sean: Wait, wait, wait, wait. That is just not acceptable. We're gonna get this straightened out right now.
Brad: I was gonna offer to do a dance fight, but it seems like Sean's got a handle on it.

Quote from Nancy Donahue

Frankie: Evening, Nancy. [chuckles] We had your, um, pepper steak. I mean, it was good. It was good. It wasn't... You know what I'm saying? It wasn't this.
Nancy: Oh, Frankie. I'm sorry it was so terrible. You probably tasted my tears in it.
Frankie: What? No! No, no, no, no. I mean, it was here. It was so here.
Nancy: The past couple of weeks, I have just been in a really bad place, and I don't even know why. Do you ever wake up and not want to clean the windows or make your own salad dressing?
Frankie: Is this a trick question?
Nancy: I always try to put on a happy face, but I'm human, you know? I get sad and I get tired, and it showed up in the pepper steak. [voice breaking] I'm so embarrassed!
Frankie: Oh. [hugs Nancy]

Quote from Sean Donahue

Professor Beckett: Come in. Who are you?
Sean: Hello, sir. Sean Donahue. I just wanted to welcome you to our fair state. I heard you just moved here.
Professor Beckett: Uh, what's up? I'm busy.
Sean: Well, I hear there's been a slight snafu. See, this is their apartment, and you aren't supposed to be here.
Lexie: Yeah!
Professor Beckett: [sighs] And how does this involve you?
Sean: I'm the guy who's gonna fix this.
Sue: Yeah.
Professor Beckett: Well, there's nothing to fix. I've got a contract, and I'm not going anywhere.
Sean: Okay. Fair enough. Although, I'm just wondering if the East Indiana administration would take kindly to knowing that one of their professors was living with one of his students.
Professor Beckett: I'm not.
Sean: Aren't you? Sue's stuff is here. Your stuff is here. Look, if you're not worried about your reputation, then great. I just know the academic world is small, and it's all about optics these days, am I right? [chuckles]
Professor Beckett: [sighs] Well, it's gonna take me a while to pack my stuff.
Sean: Well, I'd be more than happy to help. [Sue squeals]

Quote from Axl

Ms. Schaefer: Okay, Brick, anyone here for you?
Brick: Um... [sighs]
Axl: [enters] Hold on! Yes. I am here [snaps fingers] to talk about my career.
Ms. Schaefer: Axl! Everyone, this is Axl Heck. He was a star athlete here, and he just graduated from East Indy. Let's hear what he's up to.
Axl: Well, I am driving a bus. [chuckles] What's that like? Good question. Well, when your parents are driving, you've probably seen them go like this... But when I'm driving the bus, I go like this. Yeah. What else? Let's see. Um...
Mike: I got this.
Axl: Yes! [laughs] The man you want to hear from! Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Heck! Yeah.
Mike: [clears throat] Hi. I'm Mike Heck. I'm, uh, Brick's dad. That's Brick. Um... I work in a quarry. Any questions?

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