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Pitch Imperfect

‘Pitch Imperfect’

Season 8, Episode 12 - Aired January 17, 2017

Axl panics as he realizes he only has four months of college left and should have already been looking for a job. Meanwhile, Brad joins Sue's no-cut a cappella group now he's at East Indiania, while Brick's girlfriend, Cindy, threatens to break up with him if he doesn't spend less time reading.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Okay, sure, they're phenomenal like Josh Groban and Beyoncé had a baby and it was this group. But we're good, too! Is that a back handspring?
Chase: Oh, my God. Why do we have to follow them?
Hannah: Ugh. I wish we were the group after us.


Quote from Brick

Brick: I'm sorry. I can't take it any longer. My life is hanging in the balance. I got to know!
[Cindy, without looking up from the Planet Nowhere book, holds up a finger]
Brick: [gasps] She gave me the finger. She loves it!

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Boy, they found their sweet spot early, huh?
Mike: Good for them.
Frankie: You know, I was gonna go with Nancy to check out this ice-sculpture demonstration at the mall, but I can cancel it, and we can do something together if you want.
Mike: Nah. I don't really want to.
Frankie: Good, 'cause I didn't really want to cancel. But what matters is we still pretend to care.
Mike: I'll never stop pretending, baby.
Brick & Cindy: Ssh!

Quote from Sue

Sue: Oh. Is that the time? I got to go. I've got no-cut a cappella practice. We're competing at "Hot Dragon Nights."
Brad: Uh... So you want to hit a movie after? Breakfast? Brunch? Dinner? Early-morning run?
Sue: Brad, your calendar seems a little open. Is everything okay?
Brad: Yeah, I'm fine. Leaving NYU and coming to East Indy... It's been an adjustment, that's all... still trying to see where Brad fits in.
Sue: Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, look... We can definitely talk about this more when I get back. But till then, please, stay, enjoy. [gasps] Check out the smart toilet in the bathroom. I didn't know it, but our toilets at home were so dumb. [exits] [returns] Brad, what am I thinking?
Brad: I hope you're thinking I should come with you to no-cut a cappella.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Guys, big news... My friend Brad Bottig has agreed to join our group. You know we needed another singer for the boy parts, and Brad comes to us directly from NYU. Not Northern Yukon... The one in New York City.

Quote from Sue

Hannah: Would you consider being our leader?
Brad: Well, I wouldn't want to step on your leader's toes.
Sue: There are no toes. We have no leader. All in favor of Brad leading us?
All: Aye!

Quote from Axl

Axl: Didn't think it'd be so crowded. I mean, what's the rush? We got a whole four months till graduation.
Male Student #1: Four months? We're juniors.
Axl: Pfft. [laughs] Check it out. These dorks are juniors.
Female Student: Yeah, we're all juniors.
Axl: What?
Female Student: Seriously, if you're not on an employer's radar by your junior year, you are screwed.
Axl: Whaaaat? That can't be true, can it?
Female Student: My brother graduated with an MBA. Now he lives in my parents' basement.
Axl: Mm. So, any idea where the senior line might be?
Female Student: Hah... It's called the unemployment line.
Axl: Oh, come on. You can't all be juniors.
Male Student #2: I'm not.
Axl: Thank you.
Male Student #2: I'm a sophomore.

Quote from Brick

Cindy: Turn.
Brick: Really? 'Cause I'm a fast reader, and I'm not even done, and I've read this book before.
Cindy: Turn.
Brick: But you have to breathe the words in. Let them roll around in your head and savor the...
Cindy: Turn. [Brick sighs and turns the page] Why are we doing this again?
Brick: You said you wanted to spend more time with me, and I didn't want to give up reading, so my parents suggested we compromise. So I thought we'd read a book together.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Hi. We'd like to sign up for Hot Dragon Nights. Our group is called The Duly Noted.
Trish: Are you a sorority or a fraternity?
Sue: Oh, neither... We're the no-cut a cappella group.
Trish: I'm sorry, but this is just for real groups. Don't get me wrong... You no-cut people are fine for signing at the old-folks' home or caroling at the gate of the outdoor pool, but this is a very serious competition.
Sue: Excuse me... Where in your bylaws does it say no-cut groups can't enter?
Trish: Oh, it does... I imagine. But just to make sure, I'll check.

Quote from Sue

Trish: Well, it looks like there's nothing specific against no-cut groups. Apparently, common sense has ruled up until now. But if Dully Noted wants to perform, I can't stop you.
Sue: It's "Duly."
Trish: We'll see about that.

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