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Meet The Parents

‘Meet The Parents’

Season 9, Episode 3 - Aired October 17, 2017

Frankie and Mike meet Lexie's parents, Bennett (Gregory Harrison) and Tammy (Lisa Rinna). Meanwhile, Brick is excited to participate in the "Sophomore Slammer" fundraiser as he waits patiently for the shenanigans he expects from his sophomore year.

Quote from Mike

Bennett: So, Mike, what kind of work do you do?
Mike: I work at a quarry.
Bennett: No kidding. See, Tammy? This guy is salt of the earth.
Tammy: Mm-hmm.
Bennett: You got a man's job. I like that. I spend half my time on airplanes. Listen, we're trying to decide between granite and marble for the bar in the game room. What would you do?
Mike: Well, granite's stronger. Depends on how many bar fights you plan on having. [laughter]
Bennett: Well, wouldn't you know, we went with marble for the house in Colorado. Well, we only go there once a year, so it's not that big a deal.


Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Tammy, I love your necklace.
Tammy: Oh, I got this on our first trip to Hong Kong. You know, next time you get pearls, you've got to get them in Hong Kong. You save so much money, it pays for the plane ticket.
Frankie: It would have to. [laughter]

Quote from Mike

Bennett: So what do you do for fun, Mike?
Mike: What do you mean?
Bennett: You know, fun? Uh, I play tennis, some extreme skiing...
Mike: Uhhh, I don't know, I like extreme TV. Also I like to barbecue.
Bennett: I love barbecue. Do you have a smoker?
Mike: Uh, only when the grease builds up on the grill and it catches fire.
Bennett: [laughs] Oh! You have to get a smoker. They can be a little expensive, but they're worth it. Wait till the end of the season, though, when they're marked down. You can get one for a couple thou.

Quote from Frankie

Tammy: So, pretty slim hotel pickin's here in Gumford, huh?
Frankie: Yeah.
Tammy: Where are you guys staying?
Frankie: Oh, with Sue and Lexie.
Tammy: Oh. You're so lucky. A sleepover! Oh, I just knew we would love you, and I do! Don't we just love them?
Bennett: Uh, let me have another beer before I decide if I love him.
Tammy: Oh, he loves you.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: I mean, how great were Tammy and Bennett? You know how some people are better than you and they want to let you know that they're better than you? I mean, they're definitely better than us, but they didn't make us feel like they were. I really had them pegged wrong. And how attractive were they? Hello! I didn't think they made people like that in Indiana.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] So Brick figured, if no one would arrest him, he would arrest himself.
Brick: How about sophomore year, am I right?

Quote from Mike

Bennett: Hey, there's mister jet ski!
Axl: Yeah. Hey, we went to this restaurant on jet skis. Super cool. These have these...
Mike: Game's back on.
Bennett: Watching the Colts?
Mike: Oh, are you a Colts fan?
Bennett: Not these last few years. I just got tired of losing, so I jumped over to the Patriots.
Mike: Jumped over?
Bennett: Yeah, it's more fun to throw a Super Bowl party when you're cheering for the winner. [chuckles] Am I right?

Quote from Frankie

Tammy: Frankie, I've got to tell you, we had a blast last night.
Frankie: Oh, us too. Mike is still talking about those fried pickles. And next time, dinner is on us.
Tammy: Oh, you got it. We know a great steak-and-lobster place.
Frankie: Or the barbecue place again. That's hard to beat. [both laugh]
Tammy: You know what? Why don't you guys come to the lake house next weekend? Oh, it's settled, you're coming. And not to worry... you're gonna have plenty of privacy. Rowena can make you anything you want for dinner. Or, wait, is it Josephina? We have a family of sisters, they rotate.

Quote from Brick

Principal Cameron: Now, Mr. Heck, you've been here for hours and no one's come for you.
So who ya gonna call? And don't say Ghostbusters. It's just not that funny anymore.
Brick: Hmm. I'm gonna try my good friend Troy again. He's on the football team, too. We're best friends. He's gonna crack up when he finds out I'm in here.
Football Player: Oh, Tango?
Brick: Mm-hmm.
Football Player: He's on a Future Farmers of America field trip this weekend.

Quote from Frankie

Parking Attendant: That'll be $5.
Mike: Mm-hmm. Oh, damn it. I gave Sue my last five.
Frankie: That's all you had? You only carry around $5? Hobos carry more.
Mike: Well, how much do you have?
Frankie: Start looking for loose change.

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