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Get Your Business Done

‘Get Your Business Done’

Season 3, Episode 20 - Aired April 11, 2012

After the Hecks attend Dave's church, Frankie is inspired by the pastor's sermon about getting your business done while you're alive. While Frankie struggles to identify her "business", Mike tells his father how much he appreciated him being there after his mom died, Brick decides to buy a new bed, Axl tries to spend more time with his brother, and Sue starts a baby-sitting business.

Quote from Sue

Frankie: Whoo! Now that's how you get your God on! Did I use that right?
Sue: Seriously. He was like JC meets Jay-Z.


Quote from Frankie

Mike: Pregame? I haven't seen pregame on a Sunday in 20 years. Hallelujah.
Axl: Bet old Reverend Hayver's still clearing his throat.
Frankie: But that Pastor Watkins was just so... Aah! Right? Everything he said was just so... true. I mean, really, it could all end tomorrow, and if it did, could we say that we're getting our business done? Could we, Mike? I mean, we've been sleeping through life, hitting the snooze, hitting the snooze. Well, rise and shine, soul! Time to throw back the covers and get our business done.
Brick: Testify! [whispers] Testify.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: And I'm gonna... Do something, too. Once I find out what the hell my business is, look out, people, 'cause I am getting it done. [sings] Get your business done Getting my business done

Quote from Mike

Frankie: [v.o.] So while our kids were getting their business done... That left Mike and me still figuring it out.
Frankie: I mean, I just don't get it, Mike. Why would God give me so much passion and energy, but not tell me what to do with it? He was so clear with Joan of Arc and people like that.
Mike: Maybe your business is getting that dirty laundry off the counter.
Frankie: Maybe that's your business.
Mike: No, I know what my business is.
Frankie: Oh, really? You know what your business is? Huh? Do you? Really? Oh. So. Hmm. What's your business, then? Hmm? Hmm? What's your business?
Mike: Well, after my mom died, I never told my dad how much I appreciated him being there for Rusty and me.
Frankie: It's not bad... But you still haven't gotten it done.
Mike: You're right. What am I waiting for? [picks up phone] Hey, Dad, it's me. Just want to say thanks for being there for us after Mom died. Yep. All right, then. [hangs up] Business done.

Quote from Axl

Brick: I just don't know if I can sleep on it.
Axl: Of course you can sleep on it. Check it out, ten games in one table. Got a top for shuffleboard, got a top for ping-pong, got a top for basketball...
Brick: Does it have a top for a bed?
Axl: [sighs] Look, dude, your business is getting a new place to sleep. Mine's spending more time with you, and this rocks both. It's what you wanted, Brick. It's what God wanted. [off Brick's look] Whatever. Point is you made your bed.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Mrs. Jennings? Hi. Sue Heck, CEO of Sue's BabySuetting Service. I'm here to babySuet your son Tyler.
Mrs. Jennings: Come on in. Hi. This is my husband Steve.
Mr. Jennings: Oh. Nice to meet you. Tyler's just in the other room, taking a nap.
Sue: Aww, that's so sweet. I brought some toys for him to play with when he wakes up!
Tyler: I'm hungry. There better be some pie left.
Sue: Oh. Is that Tyler's brother?
Mrs. Jennings: No, that's Tyler.
Sue: Um... How old is he, exactly?
Mr. Jennings: 14, but we don't trust him to stay home alone.

Quote from Sue

Mrs. Jennings: Now there's a few basic things you should know. He can't drink pop, or he will freak out.
Mr. Jennings: And absolutely no ice of any kind, or he will freak out.
Mrs. Jennings: And don't let him watch anything too violent...
Mr. Jennings: Or even too colorful...
Mrs. Jennings: Or he will freak out.
Mr. Jennings: And he has to put on his pull-ups before bed, but you can't call 'em diapers, or he will freak out.
Mrs. Jennings: They're his "space pants."
Mr. Jennings: Okay. Well, then, that's it. We'll be home around 10:00.
Mrs. Jennings: Oh, uh, one more thing. Tyler thinks he's babysitting you, and if he finds out that you're babysitting him, he will...
Sue: Freak out?
Mrs. Jennings: Big freak-out.
Mr. Jennings: Huge.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Uh, Tyler? What are you watching?
Tyler: Zombie Makeout Party. First they kill you, then they kiss you.
Sue: Whoa. You know you are not allowed to watch that stuff.
Tyler: Hey, you're not in charge. I am.
Sue: That's right, Tyler. You're in charge. And as my babysitter, you shouldn't let me watch that stuff. I don't deal well with zombie movies.
Tyler: Then go to bed.
Sue: Well, that's the thing. I don't have a bed, so why don't I sleep here on the couch while you go up to your bed and babysit me from up there?
Tyler: Will you stop whining? [Sue grabs her headgear] What's that?
Sue: Oh. My ortho says I have to wear this at least ten hours a night. Is there anything special you need to wear at night?
Tyler: No.
Sue: Really? 'cause... Okay, Tyler. Well... [clears throat] I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I'm a bed wetter. Yep, so every night, before I go to sleep, I put on my high-tech "space pants," which keep me nice and dry as I blast off into my dreams.
Tyler: [scoffs] You're a nerd up there and a nerd down there.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Your turn.
Brick: I get it. Boom. You win.
Axl: What? You can't quit now. I've only crushed you in nine out of ten games.
Brick: I did better than I thought I'd do. Good night.
Axl: Fine.
[Axl plays a blue cover over the games table]
Brick: Thanks. Can I get a boost?
Axl: What? No. We're just pausing the game.
Brick: Then where am I supposed to sleep?
[later, as Axl sleeps in his bed, Brick sleeps on the floor in the box the games table came in]

Quote from Brick

Axl: Good. You're awake. Time to play air hockey.
Brick: Fine, but then can I go back to my box? [scores]
Axl: I wasn't ready. [Brick scores again] Okay. Beginner's luck. [Brick scores again] All right, dude, what are you doing?!
Brick: Oh, it's easy. It's all angles.
Axl: What? You can't use math. That's cheating. Wh- [Brick scores again] Ohh, that's it! Here comes the pain!
[montage of Brick scoring goals]
Brick: Boom. I win.

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