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Quote from Sue in Get Your Business Done

Mrs. Jennings: Now there's a few basic things you should know. He can't drink pop, or he will freak out.
Mr. Jennings: And absolutely no ice of any kind, or he will freak out.
Mrs. Jennings: And don't let him watch anything too violent...
Mr. Jennings: Or even too colorful...
Mrs. Jennings: Or he will freak out.
Mr. Jennings: And he has to put on his pull-ups before bed, but you can't call 'em diapers, or he will freak out.
Mrs. Jennings: They're his "space pants."
Mr. Jennings: Okay. Well, then, that's it. We'll be home around 10:00.
Mrs. Jennings: Oh, uh, one more thing. Tyler thinks he's babysitting you, and if he finds out that you're babysitting him, he will...
Sue: Freak out?
Mrs. Jennings: Big freak-out.
Mr. Jennings: Huge.

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