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Back to School

‘Back to School’

Season 2, Episode 1 - Aired September 22, 2010

After the first day of school is a chaotic mess, Frankie tries to get ahead of things by being an involved and attentive parent. Unfortunately, Frankie's interference at school offends Brick's new teacher, Mrs. Rinsky (Doris Roberts).

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: So in order not to have a repeat of yesterday, I have borrowed this chart from work. Now, for the purposes of this exercise, Brick, you'll be Mr. Ehlert. Axl, you be Pete. Sue's Lou, I'm me, and, Mike, you can be Bob.
Mike: Do I have to be Bob?
Frankie: Yes. Okay. Lou, today you have cross-country practice, so I have for you your signed forms and a check for your new cross-country sweatshirt. Pete, you have the food drive. Here's your canned corn. Please put it in the bin and don't use it for fake vomit. Now, most exciting of all, Brick... I mean, Mr. Ehlert. I have for you a brand-new backpack.
Brick: But I don't want a new backpack. I love my old backpack.
Frankie: I know that you loved your old backpack. But that thing practically walked to the garbage itself.
Brick: But it was my friend. Who am I supposed to eat lunch with?
Mike: I don't know. A person?
Frankie: [v.o.] Okay, so my family was a little slow to make change. But I was getting ahead of it. I was baking brownies. By the end of the day, I was already seeing results.


Quote from Frankie

Sue: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Frankie: Oh. You look great. And so athletic.
Sue: And I'm the only one who has one because my awesome mom sent in a check.
Frankie: Other moms just don't get it. I feel sorry for their kids.

Quote from Axl

Axl: [groans] Well, thank you for the worst day ever. Now that you've screwed up my body clock, I had to drag myself through gym, then I dozed off and sleep-farted in science. Ooh, brownies.
Frankie: Those aren't for now. Those are for all the bake sales I'm going to be hit up for this year.
Axl: When are you gonna give up on this sicko experiment of yours?
Frankie: This isn't like the juicer. We're following through.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] Okay, so the meeting with Brick's teacher was a little rough, but it wasn't about me. It was about helping Brick.
Mrs. Rinsky: Brick? Brick Heck, right?
Brick: Uh-huh.
Mrs. Rinsky: I'm moving you up close where I can keep an eye on you. They want you to have special attention? [chuckles] I'll give you special attention. [drags Brick's desk forward]

Quote from Axl

Frankie: Hey, you're already up.
Axl: That's right. Up since 5. Hope you're happy. I'm a morning person now.
Frankie: It was one day, Axl. I got you up on time one day.
Axl: Yeah, well, it's very dangerous to play around with a teenager's sleep cycle. Probably messed up my development. I probably won't be able to have babies, or something.
Mike: That might not be such a bad thing.
Sue: Good morning.
Axl: Oh, my God. You're wearing that again? It's supposed to be 80 degrees all week. How do I know that? Because there's nothing else on at 5 except the Hoosier Farm Report.

Quote from Frankie

Brick: Mom, Ms. Rinsky needs parents to supervise the field trip.
Frankie: Can't. Banned. Go.
Axl: Wait. You never packed us lunches.
Frankie: Shoot. [throws bags of frozen brownies to the kids] Let them sit out in the sun before you try and eat them.
Brick: Awesome.
Frankie: [v.o.] You know those other people, the ones we're always trying to be like, maybe if they looked in our windows and saw how good we have it, they might actually envy us. [the pool splits open]

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Ah, summer vacation. Weekends at the lake, driving cross-country in a Winnebago, Disneyland. Yeah, well, all that costs money. This is how our summer went.
[in the park:]
Brick: I'm bored.
Axl: I'm bored.
[on the couch:]
Sue: We're bored.
Frankie: Kids, it's summer. Get up off the couch and go outside and play.
[Axl shoots a bow and arrow and punctures the above-ground pool]
Axl: Yeah. Nice.
Frankie: Okay, everybody get inside and watch TV.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] But finally you hit the most glorious day of summer: the last one, when the kids go back to school, and you finally get some order back in your life.
Frankie: We cannot be late for the first day of school! Let's go! Let's go! Where is Axl? Brick, go get your brother up.
Brick: Axl, get up!
Frankie: Did you brush your teeth?
Brick: Sorry. I'm out of the habit from summer.
Frankie: Here. Rinse and spit.

Quote from Frankie

Mike: Everybody on the bus. Here we go.
Frankie: Hurry up.
Mike: Everybody out. Come on. Come on.
Frankie: Have a great day. We'll miss you.
Mike: Stay late if you have to.
[Frankie and Mike sigh as they close the door and lean against it. After a gentle knock on the door, Frankie opens it.]
Brick: We missed the bus.
Frankie: How many days until summer?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: Okay. Fine. You stay the same, and I will grow into a better person alone. You sleep. I will fill out three children's worth of school forms by myself.
Mike: [groans] Fine. Ahem, you want help filling out the forms, I will help you fill out the forms.
Frankie: Thank you.
Mike: Hmm? What's the pediatrician's name again? [off Frankie's look] Doctor?
Frankie: Larimer.
Mike: Larimer. Sure.

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