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Yokel Hero

‘Yokel Hero’

Season 4, Episode 4 -  Aired November 5, 1988

When Rose feels down about her accomplishments in life, Dorothy and Blanche embellish her entry form for St. Olaf Woman of the Year.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Last year Gretchen Lillehammer won for running into the burning library and saving all the books.
Blanche: That is amazing. How'd she do that?
Rose: She took two books in one hand and one in the other and ran like the dickens.
Dorothy: Your library only has three books? What happens when a person's read them all?
Rose: I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


Quote from Rose

Rose: God, I hate fog.
Sophia: Why? You've spent most of your life in one.
Rose: I meant if it were clearer we could see Mount Losenbaden.
Blanche: What's Mount Losenbaden?
Rose: It's kinda like Mount Rushmore, except they sculpted four losers of presidential elections in the mountainside. Let's see. There was Alf Landen, Wendell Wilkie and Adlai Stevenson and Adlai Stevenson.
Blanche: Why are there two Adlai Stevensons?
Dorothy: Oh, Blanche, isn't it obvious? He lost twice. Oh, God, it's making sense!

Quote from Rose

Rose: Look, there's the old tree house. Gee, when I was a kid my best friend Ingrid and I used to go up there all the time. Oh, gosh, I miss her. I haven't talked to her in ages.
Blanche: Why don't you give her a call?
Rose: Maybe I will.
Blanche: Sure.
Rose: [loudly] Hey, Ingrid!
Woman in the distance: Is that you, Rose? Well, how are you?
Rose: Fine, Ingrid! How are you?
Woman in the distance: Oh, fine. Well, nice talking to you. Bye, Rose.
Rose: Bye, Ingrid! [normally] Oh, boy, thank you, Blanche. That was a great idea.
Sophia: It's great bringing two idiots closer together.
Dorothy: I think that's the motto of the St. Olaf telephone company.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: This is unbearable. It must be 110 in here.
Blanche: Dorothy, I'll tell you a very simple way to beat the heat. Just imagine yourself in a cool place. Like a snowy, windy mountaintop in Colorado. With a ski instructor named Fritz. And a bearskin rug and a bottle of brandy and a crackling fire. My God, Dorothy, it must be 120 in here.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: You're just saying that. I haven't added anything to the world.
Sophia: Look, Rose. God doesn't make mistakes. We were all put on this planet for a purpose. Blanche, you're here to work in a museum so that art can be appreciated by humanity. Dorothy, you're here as a substitute teacher to educate our youth. And Rose, you're here because the rhythm method was very popular in the '20s. OK? I'm going to the movies. Good-bye.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: I just can't believe we're on our way to St. Olaf. Oh, I'm so excited. You girls are gonna love it. But I guess everybody thinks his home town is pretty special.
Sophia: I know I do. I'll never forget when I went back after many, many years, it was just as I remembered it. Garbage in the street, prostitutes in the doorways, a couple of guys hanging from their heels in the town square... I can't go on. Got a handkerchief?
Blanche: Honey, why are you getting all teary? Sicily sounds just awful.
Sophia: That wasn't Sicily. That was my first apartment in Brooklyn.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: I will never forgive that airline as long as I live.
Blanche: I can not believe they lost all our luggage. Now I have to go an entire weekend without underwear.
Sophia: Yeah, and you usually slip into a pair by Sunday afternoon.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Honey, what's the matter?
Rose: Everything. I just found out I'm the most boring person alive.
Sophia: Did something happen to Regis Philbin?

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Why is it they always schedule the charity softball game on the hottest day of the year?
Blanche: I know it. I'm all hot and sweaty, I'm short of breath and I'm physically exhausted. You'd think I had a good time.
Rose: You didn't have fun
Blanche: Only thing I really enjoyed was stealing second base.
Dorothy: When have you not enjoyed sliding under a man in uniform?

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, what are you doing?
Sophia: I'm giving the leftover meat loaf a thrill. What do you think? It's hot as hell in here.
Dorothy: Close it before the food spoils.
Sophia: OK.
Dorothy: I meant the refrigerator.

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