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Quote from Rose in Yokel Hero

Rose: Look, there's the old tree house. Gee, when I was a kid my best friend Ingrid and I used to go up there all the time. Oh, gosh, I miss her. I haven't talked to her in ages.
Blanche: Why don't you give her a call?
Rose: Maybe I will.
Blanche: Sure.
Rose: [loudly] Hey, Ingrid!
Woman in the distance: Is that you, Rose? Well, how are you?
Rose: Fine, Ingrid! How are you?
Woman in the distance: Oh, fine. Well, nice talking to you. Bye, Rose.
Rose: Bye, Ingrid! [normally] Oh, boy, thank you, Blanche. That was a great idea.
Sophia: It's great bringing two idiots closer together.
Dorothy: I think that's the motto of the St. Olaf telephone company.

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