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Yes, We Have No Havanas

‘Yes, We Have No Havanas’

Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired October 8, 1988

Blanche has unexpected competition when she starts dating an older Cuban man. Meanwhile, Rose takes Dorothy's adult education class after revealing she never graduated high school.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Confused? How could he possibly confuse this young, nubile body with that raisin in sneakers?


Quote from Dorothy

Rose: Dorothy, everyone here is a woman.
Father: We are gathered here today to honor the memory of a man who has suddenly been taken from us.
Sophia: What are you looking at me for? Just keep talking.
Father: Fidel Santiago was a very special man. He was kind, caring and loving. He was a man who brought joy into the lives of all he touched. [mass sobbing]
Dorothy: I have the feeling he touched every behind in the room.

Quote from Dorothy

Sophia: Excuse me, Father. Hold that thought. Which of you was Fidel's girlfriend?
Blanche: Oh! My God, he had his burro hitched to every bedpost in town!
Rose: But that's good news, girls. That means your cheap, animal-like lust didn't have anything to do with killing Fidel.
Woman: I'm leaving. I'm not about to mourn a man who's been with every woman in this room.
Dorothy: He was never with me.
Woman: I guess even he had his standards.

Quote from Rose

Blanche: I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
Dorothy: Oh, now calm down, Blanche. There's probably a very logical explanation.
Blanche: You know, you're probably right. Oh, why would Fidel want another woman? After all, he's dipped his toes in the lake known as Blanche.
Rose: [to Dorothy] That wasn't stupid enough to deserve a hit?

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Girls, is this dress me?
Sophia: It's too tight, it's too short and it shows too much cleavage for a woman your age.
Dorothy: Yes, Blanche, it's you.

Quote from Rose

Fidel: Hello.
Rose: Hello. We thought you were Blanche's date, but you're way too old.
Fidel: Hola. Blanche!
Blanche: Hello, sweetheart. Come here! I want you to meet all my friends.
Rose: Please forgive me. It wasn't my fault - my cousins have been marrying each other for generations.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Well, I guess that solves the mystery.
Sophia: I'll say. Who'd have thought Blanche would date somebody that long in the tooth?
Rose: I thought his teeth were nice. What I couldn't believe was how old he was.
Dorothy: You know, sometimes I really cannot believe my ears.
Sophia: I know. I should've taped them back when you were seven.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats. Uh, Jorge Vega? Michael Fachik? Jim Shu? Jim Shu?! Oh, I get it, gym shoe. Very funny.
Jim: Excuse me. I am Jim Shu.
Dorothy: I'm terribly sorry. I thought you were pulling my leg.
Jim: I don't think I could drink that much sake.
Dorothy: Sit down.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Rose, what are you doing here?
Rose: Dorothy, I have a confession to make. I slipped through the cracks of the St. Olaf school system.
Dorothy: That's very hard to believe. I've seen you almost complete a TV Guide crossword.

Quote from Rose

Blanche: Girls, I am just beside myself. Fidel's seein' another woman.
Dorothy: Are you sure?
Blanche: Yes. We used to see each other constantly. Now I'm lucky to see him twice a week. If he's not seeing another woman, what else could he be doing?
Rose: Maybe he paints, like Red Skelton.
Dorothy: Rose, would you please hand me my grade book?
Rose: Sure.
Dorothy: Thank you. [Dorothy hits Rose over the head]

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