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There Goes the Bride: Part 2

‘There Goes the Bride: Part 2’

Season 6, Episode 17 -  Aired February 9, 1991

As Dorothy and Stan's second wedding approaches, Dorothy hopes to win Sophia's approval. Meanwhile, Blanche searches for a new roommate to replace Dorothy.

Quote from Rose

Blanche: Rose, you've got to disconnect those stupid dogs.
Rose: But it's working. And besides, I've already named 'em.


Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Rose! What is eight times six? [to Sophia] OK, now that we have a few minutes I think Rose made two very good points. One: Not all psychotics are dangerous. And two: Honey, you have to let go. Dorothy's capable of making her own decisions. Does any of this make any sense to you, Sophia?
Sophia: Not completely. I still think Rose has the capacity to kill.
Blanche: Oh, Rose. Sorry, honey. Pencils down.
Rose: I could have used a pencil?

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: You're gonna have a lot of fun together.
Blanche: Oh, Dorothy, nobody can replace you.
Rose: Oh, Dorothy, I can't believe it. You're gonna walk down that aisle, and you won't be home tonight.
Dorothy: Oh, I'm gonna miss you so much. You know, the only thing that makes me sad is leaving you and Ma.
Blanche: Come on. Come on, now. We got to get you ready. Do you have somethin' blue?
Dorothy: Do veins count?

Quote from Rose

Rose: Here. I want you to have this hanky from St. Olaf. It's got a little blue embroidery on it.
Dorothy: "Sneeze here."
Blanche: And you need somethin' new.
Rose: I have this other handkerchief from St. Olaf. This one's never been used.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: And somethin' borrowed. Dorothy, I want you to have my best bracelet.
Dorothy: Oh, Blanche, that's very sweet.
Blanche: It's just borrowin' it, you know. I'll need it back.
Dorothy: OK.
Blanche: You can slip it to me right after the ceremony.
Dorothy: All right.
Blanche: It's an antique.
Dorothy: Give it to me.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Dorothy, you're tremblin'. Are you that scared?
Dorothy: Yes. Yes, I'm just as queasy as I was at my first wedding. Except that I'm pretty positive this time it's not morning sickness. Look, I'm probably just upset because Ma isn't going to be there. I just wish she could see Stan the way I see him now.
Rose: If she didn't love you, she wouldn't be fighting so hard.
Dorothy: I know.
Blanche: All right, let's see, you got somethin' borrowed, somethin' blue, somethin' new. You need somethin' old.
Sophia: Old enough?
Dorothy: Oh, Ma. Oh, Ma!
Sophia: My little girl is getting married.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Oh, my God, it's Myra!
Blanche: This is who you've been scared of?
Sophia: So, you're Myra.
Rose: Watch out, she's dangerous.
Sophia: Oh, I'm shaking.
Myra: You get that too?

Quote from Dorothy

Stan: Dorothy, I want you to meet my best man, Marvin Mitchelson.
Dorothy: Oh, ho-ho. Hello. Oh, how lovely to meet you. What an honor.
Marvin Mitchelson: The honor is mine, Dorothy.
Stan: He's a lawyer.
Dorothy: I know who he is. Oh, Stanley, I'm impressed.
Stan: Oh, well, since I made all this money, you wouldn't believe all the friends I have.
Marvin Mitchelson: How about this guy? Dorothy, you're every bit as lovely as Stan said you were.
Dorothy: Oh, why, thank you.

Quote from Dorothy

Stan: I told you she wouldn't go for it.
Dorothy: I don't want your money, Stan. Marvin, give me the agreement. [slap]
Stan: [o.s.] Ouch! Weddings. Why do I always get hit at these things?
Dorothy: Get out, Stanley. Get out before I need a lawyer.
Marvin Mitchelson: I think you've got a case.

Quote from Dorothy

Stan: Dorothy, what about our guests? What about our honeymoon in Aruba?
Dorothy: Oh, I'd be too confused. Would I be using your money or my money?
Stan: Well, we could check with Marvin.
Dorothy: I don't think so.
Stan: I love you. Are you sure you know what you're doing?
Dorothy: Yes. Yes, I think I'm doing the right thing. Please leave.

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