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That Was No Lady

‘That Was No Lady’

Season 1, Episode 14 - Aired December 21, 1985

Rose and Sophia disagree with Dorothy when she starts dating an unhappily married man.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Maybe I should have a mechanic check it out.
Blanche: Oh, Rose, wake up and smell the coffee. An auto mechanic is the last person to take a car to. They only make money if they tell you there's something wrong with it.
Rose: Oh, that's a good point.
Sophia: Boy, I wish I had a car to sell.


Quote from Rose

Rose: I'll get it. [answering phone] Hello? [to Blanche] It's for Dorothy. I think it's Glen.
Blanche: That's the fourth time he's called today. Well, you know what we're supposed to tell him. Go on.
Rose: Hello? Dorothy's not home and she's never coming home again. Now, don't call here anymore. This is Rose, who's this? Mr. Yamamoto from the school district?
Blanche: Rose.
Rose: I'm so sorry. I thought you were the man Dorothy's having the affair with. I mean, the man Dorothy said is always so fair with... her. Of course, I would expect you to be fair. And polite. And good at math. I'm so glad you got your own Disneyland. Oh, ah, thank you. Goodbye.

Quote from Dorothy

Rose: Dorothy, Dorothy? Mr. Yamamoto just called about a teaching job.
Dorothy: Oh, I'm not ready to go back to work yet.
Rose: Are you depressed about Glen?
Dorothy: No, I'm depressed because Phyllis George left the morning news.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Of course I'm depressed about Glen. For three weeks he made me the happiest woman in the world. This past week without him has just been miserable.
Rose: At least you have the comfort of knowing you did the right thing.
Dorothy: Then why do I feel so rotten?

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: [answering phone] Hello? Oh, hello Glen.
Rose: Hang up on that bed-hopper.
Blanche: Don't hang up on him. That man cares for you. Hop, hop.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Oh, hi! I didn't expect to see you girls up so late.
Rose: I'm just having a snack. Dorothy's the one having an affair at a motel.
Dorothy: Thank you, Rose.
Rose: I just want to keep the record straight. Besides, Blanche has had experience in that area. Maybe she can give you some advice.
Blanche: Oh, I certainly can. In the first place, never check in as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Always check in as Mr.
and Mrs. Don Shula.
Dorothy: What?
Blanche: That way, you always get a complimentary fruit basket and a bottle of champagne.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Look, I didn't choose for things to happen this way. I tried to do the right thing, but the right thing was not right for me. I'm in love. And if there are sacrifices that have to be made, I can accept them. I'm happy and that's what matters. Hi, Ma.
Sophia: So, you started up with your married man again.
Dorothy: How did you know?
Sophia: I'm the Amazing Kreskin. I was listening outside the door.
Dorothy: Oh, Ma.
Sophia: Oh, I can't put my ear to the door, but you can put your...
Dorothy: Ma!
Sophia: I raised you to have respect for yourself. Not be somebody's floozy.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, where are my shoes?
Sophia: Another date with Mrs. O'Brien's husband?
Dorothy: Now look, don't you start with me. I will continue to see Glen for as long as I please!
Sophia: Is he gonna leave his wife?
Dorothy: Ma, Ma, for the first time in a long time, I am really happy. So please, leave me alone!
Sophia: If you're so happy, how come I hear you pacing in your room night after night?
Dorothy: I can't sleep. I have a lot on my mind.
Sophia: I'll tell you what's on your mind. You hate yourself.
Dorothy: I do not.
Sophia: My mistake. I've only known you since the day you were born.
Dorothy: Look, I've heard enough, Ma. I'm leaving now to meet Glen and have a perfectly marvelous time.
Sophia: I hope he's taking you bowling.
Dorothy: Bowling?
Sophia: Yeah, you could rent shoes there.

Quote from Dorothy

Glen: Sweetheart, if you want to grab some dinner, we'll have to take separate cars. I'm gonna have to leave for home right from the restaurant.
Dorothy: Glen, forget dinner. We need to talk. Things aren't working out anymore and I don't know what to do to make them any better. You can't leave your wife and I'm not cut out to be the other woman.
Glen: Dorothy, you know I love you.
Dorothy: I know that. But it's not enough.
Glen: I don't want to lose you.
Dorothy: I don't want to lose you either. That's why I came back.
Glen: I thought you understood. I can't break up my marriage! Not now, not at this stage of my life. If things didn't work out between you and me, I'd be alone. That kind of risk is fine when you're 40, but I couldn't do it today. I'm too old for that, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Glen, the risk shouldn't scare you at any age. And at any age, the loving would make it worthwhile. You- You want a safe, easy, comfortable home life and a romance and excitement on the side and it's not for me.
Glen: Dorothy, please think about what you're throwing away.
Dorothy: If I stay, I am throwing away my future. Now I'll go home. I'll hurt. But after awhile, I'll feel better and I'll go on with my life. If I continue this, I'll end up alone. And I care too much about myself to let that happen.
Glen: Dorothy, I love you.
Dorothy: I love you too. Goodbye.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: I don't care what you say, you were speeding! I tell you, that is not why that highway patrolman was following us!
Dorothy: Oh, Blanche, please.
Blanche: Dorothy? Oh, I thought you were out.
Dorothy: No, we ended the evening early.
Rose: You and Glen have a disagreement?
Dorothy: Yeah, he thinks he should stay married.
Blanche: You mean it's over?
Rose: Look, we just came back to pick Sophia up. Blanche got her new car!
Blanche: Yeah, and we're gonna all pile in and go cruising. Do you want to go with us?
Dorothy: No, I think I'll just stay home tonight. I feel, you know, just like sitting.
Sophia: Me too. I think I'll have a cup of tea.
Rose: Yeah, it's kind of late. I'm a little tired. I think I'll just stick around.
Blanche: Oh, what the heck. That car will still be there tomorrow.
Dorothy: Boy, this is depressing! Girls, let's go cruising.
Blanche: Hey, I know a place where guys wrestle naked in the mud!

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