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Stan Takes a Wife

‘Stan Takes a Wife’

Season 4, Episode 10 - Aired January 7, 1989

After Sophia has a health scare, Stan spends the night at the hospital with Dorothy, who sees another side of her ex-husband. Unfortunately, Dorothy's change of heart comes after Stan announces he is getting married.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: What are you two doing here?
Rose: We've come to stop you from making a fool of yourself.
Stan: Why would Dorothy make a fool of herself?
Blanche: Well, Stanley, you know how she gets at weddings, all emotional. Her nose starts running, then her mascara starts running. Soon everything's running altogether and nobody can enjoy their cake.


Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Bartender, give me another.
Bartender: Come on, lady. You don't need another.
Dorothy: Why not?
Bartender: You've had three already.
Dorothy: I said give me another.
Bartender: Fine. It's your life. Just don't blame me if you get sick.
[The bartender slides a bowl of popcorn in front of Dorothy]

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Are you OK?
Katherine: Just a little nervous. I'm supposed to get married in exactly 20 minutes right here in this hotel.
Dorothy: Well, then, what are you doing here? Cold feet?
Katherine: Yeah, but not about him. See, he's got this ex-wife.
Dorothy: You better be careful what you say. I happen to be an ex-wife.
Katherine: Not like his, I'm sure. No one's like her. She's superwoman. She was the perfect wife. Cooked, cleaned, had two kids, got an education, has never looked better, and now she has a career.
Dorothy: That wasn't a marriage. That's a commercial for a mini pad.
Katherine: Her name is Dorothy and she's coming to our wedding. I mean, they're still friends. Listen to me. I'm so intimidated by a woman I've never even met.
Dorothy: Well, that's understandable. I mean, she sounds pretty terrific. I bet she's gorgeous, too.
Katherine: No. The daughter had a nose job and she had her mother's nose. Evidently it was a honker. [Dorothy chokes on her popcorn] Are you all right?
Dorothy: [spluttering] I'm fine.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: So, you think he might still be in love with his ex-wife?
Katherine: They're still good friends. I mean, he talks about her all the time. "Dorothy" this, "Dorothy" that. What if she decides she wants him back?
Dorothy: If she's as great as you say she is, and no doubt she is, well, possibly in a weak moment, she might think she wants him back, but then maybe she'd think of the two of you together and what a nice person you seem to be, how he loves you and how much you love him and I think she'd realize that her time with him was over, and she'd let go graciously and wish him well. In fact, I think that's exactly what she'd do.
Katherine: No, she wouldn't.
Dorothy: Yes, she would.
Katherine: No, she wouldn't.
Dorothy: Yes, she would.
Katherine: How can you be so sure?
Dorothy: I'm a Leo. We're all very sure of ourselves.

Quote from Dorothy

Katherine: Well, it looks like I've got a wedding to go to.
Dorothy: I'm going to a wedding myself. You mind if I walk with you?
Katherine: Not at all. You're a very wise person. What did you say your name was?
Dorothy: I didn't.
Katherine: Well, I really enjoyed talking with you. I hope we meet again soon.
Dorothy: Believe me, we will.

Quote from Sophia

Stan: Hi, everyone. It's me, Stan. Look, I know it's late, but I had to come by. I have awesome news.
Sophia: Dating someone over 12?
Dorothy: Ma, that's not nice. Is that it, Stanley?

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