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Old Friends

‘Old Friends’

Season 3, Episode 1 - Aired September 19, 1987

Sophia bonds with an elderly gentleman who sits down on the boardwalk every day. Meanwhile, Blanche accidentally gives Rose's teddy bear away to a little girl.

Quote from Rose

Rose: What's going on? Where did she take Fernando?
Dorothy: She took him home, Rose.
Blanche: Rose, see, honey, Fernando doesn't exactly belong to you anymore. Well, I kind of gave him to Daisy by mistake. [laughing]
Rose: Get him back. I want my teddy.
Blanche: Well, honey, she's just a child. You can't expect a child to give back a toy. Now you do understand, don't you?
Rose: Just cut the crap and get back the damn bear.


Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Where have you been? You know what time it is?
Alvin: 9:00.
Sophia: In your dreams. You take the wrong bus again? Never mind, you didn't miss anything.
Alvin: What do you think you're doing?
Sophia: I think I'm crocheting but to tell you the God's honest truth, I wouldn't swear to it.
Alvin: This is my seat. You're sitting in my seat.
Sophia: Excuse me, I didn't know your eighty-year-old butt was so sensitive.
Alvin: [loudly] I sit in this seat every day. You got no right sitting in my seat!
Sophia: Relax! I'm moving.
Alvin: You're always doing this kind of thing. You're never thinking about anybody but yourself.
Sophia: What are you talking about?
Alvin: You know what I'm talking about. I didn't take the wrong bus. That dumb-ass driver went the wrong way. A different way, and you know it!
Sophia: What the hell's the matter with you? Alvin. Alvin!

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Morning, Sophia. What are you doing?
Sophia: I'm levitating, Rose. Get lost.
Sophia: Aw, come back here. You didn't deserve that. You're a good kid. I'm just a little depressed.
Rose: Really? You know, I'm depressed too. What are you depressed about?
Sophia: Alvin and I had a fight. I'm making a scarf for a friend I don't have anymore.
Rose: I know exactly how you feel. I made these for Fernando. [holding up a doll-sized denim romper]
Sophia: I thought you broke up with that midget.
Rose: Fernando's not a midget. He's my oldest and closest friend.

Quote from Sophia

Alvin: Morning.
Sophia: Alvin. Am I sitting in the right place?
Alvin: Depends. If you looking to catch a bus to Jacksonville, you could be in big trouble.
Sophia: You old geezer, you know what I'm talking about.
Alvin: Half the time I suspect you don't know what you're talking about. Especially when you start all that muttering in Italian. I swear, you make up half those words. Here. I brought you this.
Sophia: Because you're sorry?
Alvin: Because I'm thirsty and I figured you might be too.
Sophia: Whatever.

Quote from Dorothy

Sandra: They're really quite a pair, aren't they?
Dorothy: Excuse me?
Sandra: My father and your mother. They sit like that all day, every day. He's even started referring to my husband as "that dumb baciagaloop."

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: I thought you said this was a cold drink. It's lukewarm.
Alvin: I told him no ice.
Sophia: You dumb baciagaloop. What do you think makes it cold?
Alvin: Your attitude is making me cold, woman. So lighten up and say thank you.
Sophia: All right, thank you.
Alvin: What?
Sophia: Thank you for the soda. I guess we're even. This fight was my fault. Yesterday was yours.
Alvin: Yesterday?
Sophia: Hey, if you're willing to forget about it, so am I.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma?
Sophia: Come in. Oh, Dorothy, I'm glad you're home. You got a minute?
Dorothy: Sure.
Sophia: Good. Crochet me a scarf.
Dorothy: Ma, I need to talk to you about Alvin. He's sick, Ma.
Sophia: What are you talking about? You've never seen him.
Dorothy: I've seen him, Ma. After you had that fight, I was worried about you and I followed you to the boardwalk.
Sophia: That was you? Thank God. I thought Gino the Enforcer was out on parole.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma?
Sophia: Dorothy, how long have you been here?
Dorothy: A while.
Sophia: He's not coming back, is he?
Dorothy: No.
Sophia: It was a nice couple of months. I'll miss him. Think he'll remember me?
Dorothy: I don't know.
Sophia: I'll remember him. I finished the scarf, you know.
Dorothy: Oh, great. Listen, next time we go to New York, maybe you'll take it to him.
Sophia: Nah, I think I'll mail it. That way, I'll always picture him right here on the boardwalk. [to a man sitting down on the bench] Hey! Someone's sitting there!

Quote from Rose

Dorothy: Now look, you've got to get a grip on yourself.
Rose: I'm sorry. I know I'm behaving like a fool. But I got a right to sing the blues. I lost my teddy.
Dorothy: I understand, Rose. Which, if I thought about it, says something deeply disturbing about me. ... "I've got a right to sing the blues"?

Quote from Blanche

Rose: Blanche! Have you seen my teddy bear, Fernando? He's missing. I've had him since I was six years old. I have to find him. I just have to.
Blanche: Calm down now, honey. He's just a toy.
Rose: Fernando is not just a toy. He's a family heirloom. I've had him for as long as I can remember. I don't know what I'd do without him.
Blanche: Rose. Rose, now don't panic. Look, we'll find him. All we need is a logical plan. You go check out the attic and I'll look around outside in case he wandered off.
Rose: Good. I feel better now. At least we have a plan.

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