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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun... Before They Die

‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun... Before They Die’

Season 6, Episode 10 - Aired November 24, 1990

Sophia asks Blanche for advice on how to please her new boyfriend, Tony. Meanwhile, Rose avoids being intimate with Miles during a drought in St. Olaf.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Aren't they adorable?
Dorothy: Seems like only yesterday I was putting her into the home.


Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Good night, pussycat. You have nothing to worry about.
Dorothy: Ma, be good.
Sophia: I promise.
[cut to Sophia and Tony in bed:]
Tony: You're good.
Sophia: A promise is a promise.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: I, uh I love you. I said I love you.
Tony: Thank you.
Sophia: And you?
Tony: I care for you.
Sophia: You care for me?
Tony: Yes, very much. I probably should've said that sooner. Well, let's go get some sleep now. What?
Sophia: You care for me? You care for a cat or a dog or a goat. When I tell you I love you and you tell me you care for me?
Tony: Oh, please, Sophia. I care for you a lot.
Sophia: I'm going home and don't bother driving me.
Tony: Look, Sophia, can't we talk?
Sophia: Don't even say my name. I reached out for you. If you didn't love me, how the hell could you make love to me? I never wanna see or hear from you again.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Good night, and thank you for a wonderful evening.
Miles: Rose, what is going on? Now, something is wrong.
Rose: I don't know what you mean.
Miles: Well, it's obvious you're trying to avoid any kind of intimacy. Like that place you dragged me to tonight. Look, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the evening of lesbian poetry but, look, Rose, to tell you the truth, it just wasn't the swell time I had in mind. Look, I'm starting to get a little suspicious. There's somebody else, isn't there?
Rose: [half-hearted] My, my, sir, I do believe you're jealous.
Miles: You know, normally, I hate it when people tweak my nose, but at least you're touching me. Look, are you seeing somebody else?
Rose: My, my, sir, I do believe you're jealous.
Miles: One tweak is cute, Rose. Two is- Don't do it again. I'm sorry for the tone, but I am a little bit cranky and tense for all the obvious reasons. Look, something is wrong. Are you seeing another man? And don't touch my nose.

Quote from Rose

Rose: I just can't be with you now.
Miles: Oh, well, all right. Maybe- Maybe I can't see you, either. Goodbye.
Rose: You mean good night.
Miles: No, I think I mean goodbye.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Rose, what's the matter?
Rose: Miles just left me. Oh, way to go, Blanche. Because of you and your lousy advice, I've lost Miles.
Blanche: Well, if you're gonna come home with this attitude and tweak my nose, and by the way, don't ever do that again because I hate it, I'm not gonna help you. [to Sophia] How was your date with Tony?
Sophia: Do you enjoy getting old ladies in trouble? [pulls out padded breasts]

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Everybody, just calm down. Sophia, tell me what happened.
Sophia: Same old story - girl meets boy, girl loses boy, girl can't remember her address, so cab just circles and circles and circles.
Blanche: You told him you loved him, and he didn't say it back, am I right?
Sophia: Did you bug my bra?
Blanche: Sophia, I told you never tell a man you love him first. That's a fatal mistake.
Sophia: I just wanted to hear someone say "I love you" to me one more time.
Dorothy: Oh, Ma. Would it make you feel better if I told you I love you?
Sophia: Yeah. All of a sudden, I feel like singing. Take me to a piano bar. I'm going to sleep. If Tony calls, tell him I faked it.
Dorothy: Ma!
Sophia: Well, I did. Oh, baby, oh, baby, oh, baby. Oh, please!

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Come on, Sophia, join us.
Dorothy: Yeah. Ma, you can't sit there waiting for a call forever.
Sophia: Who's waiting for a call? [kettle whistles, Sophia picks up phone] Hello? Hello? That was him. I could hear him breathing.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: He wants to make sure I'm home and not out with some other guy. I have to make him jealous. Dorothy, put on a suit and a tie. Let's go by his hotel.
Dorothy: Ma, I'm not gonna put on a suit and a tie. Are you satisfied, Blanche? My mother wants to date me.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Well, you have been giving out some very bad advice lately. I haven't had such bad advice since my drama teacher told me I'd be perfect for the lead in the King and I. So stupid here shaves her head and doesn't get the part.

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