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A Midwinter Night's Dream

‘A Midwinter Night's Dream’

Season 7, Episode 19 - Aired February 29, 1992

Rose and Miles decide to get married after she wins an all-expense-paid honeymoon to Paris. After Sophia sees Dorothy and Miles kiss, she is determined to tell Rose to break a family curse.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: So, who's the luckiest girl in the history of the world?
Sophia: Well, it wasn't your mother.


Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Dorothy, would you please check my list and see if I forgot to invite anybody to my Moonlight Madness party?
Dorothy: Sure. The women.
Blanche: Pardon me?
Dorothy: The women. You invited 12 men and no women.
Blanche: Now, Dorothy, I know what you're thinking, but Rose and Sophia are coming. You'll have somebody to talk to.
Sophia: No fair. I had to talk to her the last time.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Uh, Blanche, not to doubt your stamina, but don't you think those men are gonna be bored? Oh, of course not.
Blanche: Dorothy, tonight's a full moon. A night when men's passions, like the tides, are pulled to their highest, achingly unbearable peak.
Dorothy: Oh, come on, Blanche. You really think a full moon can do all that?
Blanche: Well, just in case, I'm also filling a watermelon with tequila.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: But it's not just a full moon, Dorothy. It's a leap year's full moon. Anything can happen. All your dreams can come true if you just believe. All you have to do is believe.
Dorothy: Oh, I do believe. I do believe in sluts.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Ma, what's wrong?
Sophia: Leap year? Full moon? Oh, my God, the curse.
Dorothy: Ma, it's the '90s, you can call it what it is, our monthly visitor.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Dorothy, do you think this necklace compliments my bosom?
Dorothy: Blanche, if that necklace could cheer, I'm sure it would.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Oh, I don't enter these for the prizes. I do it for the thrill of winning. The rush of adrenalin when you realize that you've grappled Madam Chance and flung her, bloodied and beaten, to the mat. And just when you think she's dead, she gets up again, and you have to give her one of those Van Damme moves to the jaw, and...
Dorothy: Rose.
Rose: I like to win, all right?

Quote from Rose

Blanche: Well, now that you have, what are you gonna do with the prize?
Rose: Well, it's for newlyweds only, and--and Miles and I aren't married, so I guess I'll have to give it back.
Blanche: Rose, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the good Lord is trying to tell you something with this honeymoon package?
Rose: Maybe he is, just maybe he is. But what?

Quote from Rose

Rose: Look, I appreciate everybody's advice, but this isn't the way it's supposed to be. I'm not gonna let some contest dictate what could be, and should be, the most important decision of my life. I'm much too smart for that.
Dorothy: Good for you, Rose.
Rose: I think I'll just go to my room, take a couple of aspirin, turn out the lights, and wait for the voices.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Oh, Ma, look, I don't mean to poo-poo your whole moon thing, but poo-poo.
Blanche: No, Dorothy. There really is somethin' going on here. Well, I mean, just look how the men are all flocking around you and totally ignoring me. It's- It's nature gone loco.
Sophia: Wait a minute. That's not so ridiculous. Dorothy has her own allure. She's confident. Men are attracted to a confident woman. [laughing] Oh, God, I can never keep a straight face.

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