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The Facts of Bleeping Life

‘The Facts of Bleeping Life’

Season 2, Episode 3 - Aired October 8, 2014

Inspired by Prince Charles and Lady Diana's approaching wedding, Beverly decides that she and Murray should renew their wedding vows. Murray's lack of interest threatens to derail Beverly's dream of a second wedding. Meanwhile, Barry and Adam form a garage band, which Barry hopes will impress Lainey.

Quote from Erica

Erica: No! I will kill you! I am not kidding. I will go to jail, I will do my time. I may come out a different person, but it'll be worth it!


Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Oh, you're so awesome! You remind me of my other favorite band, Kiss.
Barry: No, no, no, no! Stop, stop!

Quote from Murray

Murray: Marriage is not like a magazine subscription. You don't have to keep renewing it.
Beverly: Well, you do if you want to keep the magazine.
Murray: Well this magazine right here, you get for free for the rest of your life.

Quote from Adam

Barry: Ah, she's good. Acting all, "I don't like you."
Adam: I think that's 'cause she doesn't like you.
Barry: Aw, sweet, naive baby child. She's just playing hard to get. It's obvious I'm all she thinks about.
Adam: It's not that obvious.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Yeah, that's gonna be a polite pass.
Adam: What?
Barry: What? You never say no to us!
Adam: Yeah! We're your delicious snuggle monsters.
Barry: I don't think she understands. Give us the thing we want!
Beverly: Love to, but can't.

Quote from Lainey

Barry: What are you talking about?
Erica: You're out of the band. You keep winking at Lainey and staring at Lainey. And one time, I saw you smell Lainey.
Lainey: Wait. What?

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And even though they were different styles, sometimes, music melds together into one glorious mash-up. This was not one of those times.

Quote from Murray

Barry: You're sitting through the ceremony. My God. All you do is sit. It's a problem, really.
Murray: Shut up. Your mother thought it was low blood sugar. Actually, I was just so overwhelmed.
Barry: Why?
Murray: Look at her. She's so beautiful and smart. I never thought I'd be good enough for her.

Quote from Murray

Murray: I'm not very good, uh, with vows. And, uh, God knows I'm not a prince. The one thing I do know for sure is you are my Princess. And I am the luckiest nobody in the world.

Quote from Lainey

Lainey: Listen, about what I said.
Barry: No, it's fine. I get it. You don't feel the same way about me. But I'll win you over.
Lainey: No, you won't.
Barry: Yeah, I will.
Lainey: No, you won't.
Barry: Yes, I will.
Lainey: No, you won't.

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