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Season 5, Episode 21 - Aired May 9, 2018

When Adam starts a Mel Brooks appreciation society at school, Jackie mistakes his poster for social commentary and invites him home to meet her politically-active parents. Elsewhere, Erica breaks the news to her parents that she is dropping out of college.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And so my love of Mel Brooks had been mistaken as a political statement.
Adam: Oh, balls!
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Or, in my case, Spaceballs.


Quote from Beverly

Beverly: They have cocktail shrimp on ice and tiny corns on the cob. Ooh, I feel like such a fancy academic.
Murray: Well, I'm gonna get back some of that tuition money in shrimp.
Erica: You take your time. Chew slowly.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Jessie Wudders: Yo, Goldnerd! What's with this leftist load of crap you put in the paper?
Mr. Glascott: Oh, no, you've pissed off the self-righteous Alex P. Keaton Club!
Adam: Okay, there's been a little misunderstanding here. See, this president's from the movies.
Jessie Wudders: Don't belittle Reagan 'cause his humble roots are in acting. The Gipper rules.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Dave Sirota: Yo, Ad. Awesome the way you slammed Reagan. We really are living in the Empire.
Mr. Glascott: Oh, no! You've also attracted the whining liberal Democrats.
Jessie Wudders: Back off, Dave Sirota. There's no free handouts for you and your lefty leeches.
Dave Sirota: Says the dude who supports a jelly-bean lover out to destroy the planet.
Jessie Wudders: It's a smear campaign.
Dave Sirota: It is not. It's genius.
Jessie Wudders: This paper is biased.
Dave Sirota: Oh, meet your stupid president
Mr. Glascott: Okay, enough! This is a Quaker school, not the Senate floor.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Mr. Glascott: Quick, hide in the teachers' lounge. But plug your nose. Someone heated up crab rangoon.

Quote from Adam

Jackie: Adam, can you believe it? Everyone either hates or loves you. You're so badass and polarizing.
Adam: [chuckles nervously] Classic me doing me stuff, right?

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Jackie: I even showed your cartoon to my parents, and guess what. They wanna have you over for dinner.
Adam: Dinner with Lynn and Vinny? That's a huge deal.
Mr. Glascott: Wait. You haven't met her parents yet? What's the deal with that?
Adam: Actually, I was kinda wondering that myself.
Jackie: Mmm, no, Adam, you did meet my parents. You guys had a nice chat after the musical.
Adam: You mean when I was dressed like Rum Tum Tugger from Cats?
Mr. Glascott: Oh, I see what this is. They think you're a dweeb, and Jackie doesn't wanna prove them right.
Adam: I'm sure that's not it at all.
Jackie: No, he's right. My parents were hippies at Queens College, and my dad was arrested protesting the war.
Mr. Glascott: Hmm, I thought that only happened in the movies.

Quote from Adam

Jackie: Look, I was worried that you guys wouldn't have anything to talk about over dinner, but this cartoon changes everything.
Adam: Yes. I I can't wait to show your parents just how much I know about politics.
Jackie: You could bring all of your drawings over for dinner and impress them all over again.
Mr. Glascott: [chuckles] What a lovely evening.
Adam: Ohh, balls.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Or, again, in my case, Spaceballs.

Quote from Geoff

Adam: Schoolhouse Rock. This is perfect. That piece of paper has a little briefcase like a human. I totally get politics now.
Geoff: You really should read The New York Times, but I think this is more your speed.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] What happened next surprised even me. I reached down deep and gave the greatest, most awkward non-political speech ever delivered.
Adam: Look, I'm just a simple dude who likes movies and puppet-based sitcoms. That's what I wanna do with my life. Make people happy with clean family fun. Yes, it's super lame. But it also helps bring people together.
Jessie Wudders: I don't see that happening, man.
Adam: But it can. 'Cause no matter what side you're on, there's one thing we can all agree on, and that's that Mel Brooks is freaking hilarious.

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