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One Exquisite Evening with Madonna

‘One Exquisite Evening with Madonna’

Season 9, Episode 21 - Aired May 11, 2022

When Erica and Geoff are forced to stay at the Goldbergs while their apartment is remedied, Beverly senses marital trouble. Meanwhile, Adam gets in the middle of Brea's frought relationship with her older sister.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Mr. Glascott: You're right, Beverly. The world would look different through Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's eyes. [chuckles]


Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] After getting involved in my girlfriend's relationship with her sister, I was looking to my dad for some wisdom, but it was after 8:00.
Barry: Don't bother. He ate a dozen garlic knots and watched Murder, She Wrote. His day is done.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Look at this guy. He is the epitome of stability. He's a rock.
Adam: He does have many rock-like properties.
Barry: He's a shining example of what we'll emulate in our own marriages.
Adam: I guess we are pretty lucky.
Barry: The luckiest.
Adam: Thanks, Bar.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Growing up, Barry often gave me lousy advice, but every once in a while, he knew exactly what he was talking about.

Quote from Barry

Adam: I guess this one's fine.
Beverly: No, those are large. You're more of an athletic medium.
Adam: Just get what you want so we can get this over with.
Barry: Boom! Silk boxers. So slippery and elegant.
Beverly: Not on my watch. That is the underpant of Los Angeles.
Barry: Fine! Then I'm going commando... nothing at all. Where's the nearest changing room? I'm starting now.
Adam: So, medium seems fine.

Quote from Geoff

Plumber: You're probably gonna have to clear out of here for a week or so.
Geoff: Great, so now what do we do?
Erica: We'll go to a hotel.
Geoff: And pay for it with what, exactly?
Erica: You're the neatnik. Don't you have a mold budget?
Geoff: Sorry, I didn't anticipate that my wife would be a wet towel abandoner.
Erica: Ouch, Don Rickles. And, fine, we'll go to your parents'.
Geoff: My mom turned my room into a knitting room. Between my yarn allergy and all the needles, it's a death trap.
Erica: I know of a place where the price is right and the staff is always friendly.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Did something seem off about them? I haven't seen Geoff that edgy since Groundhog Day. He's not good with suspense. I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.
Mr. Glascott: Sounds intrusive. Count me in.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Ewok Adventure. Brea, you really nailed my gift.
Brea: Eh, you're easy to shop for. I just think, "Hey, that's maybe science fiction," and then I get it.

Quote from Adam

Brea: It's okay. I love the thought. But I couldn't have gone anyway. My older sister is in town.
Adam: Claire? She is? I had no idea.
Brea: Neither did I. But that's kind of how Claire is. She plays by her own rules.
Adam: Oh, like Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop 1 and/or 2?
Brea: If that helps you understand it, then sure.

Quote from Erica

Erica: I got to say, there's something nice about being back in my own room.
Geoff: Well, you're certainly comfy, because there goes the towel right where I lay my head.
Erica: Relax. My mom will pick it up.
Beverly: [in the dining room with Mr. Glascott] She's right. I will.
Geoff: You're not being considerate of me.
Erica: Remind me... when we exchanged vows, did you promise to spend all of your waking hours talking about towels? Because you're making good on that one, buddy.
Mr. Glascott: She "buddied" him. That's not good.
Geoff: It's the reason we have black mold and had to come here.
Erica: We don't know that. And if you're so unhappy, you can always leave.
Beverly: Leave the house? Leave the marriage? Leave what?
Geoff: Hang it up.
Erica: Oh, I will. And I think I know the perfect place. [throws it at the vent]
Beverly: Damn it! Suddenly, I can't hear a peep.

Quote from Beverly

Geoff: You threw a towel at me.
Erica: I kind of did. Sorry.
Geoff: I'm sorry, too, for getting all crazy.
Erica: No, you were right to be crazy. I'll try harder.
Beverly: [in the dining room with Mr. Glascott] What's happening? The silence is deafening.
Mr. Glascott: You don't think Erica killed him.
Beverly: Worse. I think their marriage is on the rocks.
Mr. Glascott: I don't think that's worse, but, oh, no!

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