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I Drank The Mold

‘I Drank The Mold’

Season 2, Episode 18 - Aired April 8, 2015

Beverly plans a birthday sleepover for Adam, but he would prefer something cooler. On the night, Adam's friends are actually excited about the sleepover, but only because they have plans to make it more epic. Adam's cool friend Garry brings a home-brewed bottle of beer, but when everyone except Adam drinks it, they all get sick. As a result, the kids' parents forbid them from hanging out with each other. Meanwhile, when Erica and Barry beg Murray to buy them a new CD player, he agrees under one condition: that they write the greast song ever.

Quote from Murray

Murray: I know I got a little crazy. Sometimes it's hard because the two of you, your lives are so different to the way mine was. But truthfully, that's the way I want it. Now, go ahead, enjoy your music. I know it's your thing.


Quote from Beverly

Beverly: I know you all have some questions about the messy incident that took place in our basement this weekend. But, let's agree to have an open dialogue free of any finger pointing. Mmkay? That said, I blame you, and you, and you, and - back up - you!

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Look, I realize they're not monsters. They're just growing up. Which means they're still sweet and cute and kind, but now they're also little [beep] that need to be watched at every turn.

Quote from Pops

Erica: What do you think?
Pops: You two are my grandkids, and I love you, so if you want me to say this confusing, fekakate song about ninjas and robot sharks is actually good, I'll say it.
Barry: Great! Do that!
Pops: I'm sorry. I thought I could, but I can't.

Quote from Erica

Barry: It's a compact disc.
Erica: Oh, it's so beautiful. I can't wait to go home and throw away my hundreds of useless cassettes.

Quote from Barry

Barry: We need to have this right now. You, Sam Goody!
Jared: That's the name of the store. My name's Jared.

Quote from Barry

Barry: It's the opposite of that. Engineers in lab coats have created a musical experience that is so crisp and clean it can literally improve your hearing.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Oh, it'll happen when I go upstairs and write the greatest song in the history of the world.
Barry: With a vicious rap interlude.
Erica: And when you hear my angelic song, you will weep, and clap, and be so moved that you will demand that we have a CD player.

Quote from Barry

Erica: Great. Then I will go write the greatest song in the world.
Barry: With a vicious rap interlude.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: And a pen to draw on the first dorkus who falls asleep - I'm looking at you, Dave Sirota.

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