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Grand Theft Scooter

‘Grand Theft Scooter’

Season 9, Episode 19 - Aired April 20, 2022

Beverly surprises Adam and Brea with a trip to Miama, but as usual there's a catch: they're actually going to pack up Pops' belongings. Meanwhile, Barry and Erica get their exam results.

Quote from Barry

Erica: I want my Golden Tray.
Mall Official: That seems in poor taste.
Erica: Give it.
Mall Official: Oh.
Barry: He said it's not yours!
Mall Official: You know it's painted plastic?
Barry: Give me that tray!
Erica: I earned it!
Geoff: Okay, enough. I've known you two forever and you're still doing this crap? Kicking each other when you're down? How about supporting each other for once? I'm so sick of it. [storms off]
Matt: Why did we come here?
Naked Rob: Our lives are too small.
Andy: So much to examine.


Quote from Beverly

Old Resident: That's my scooter they're taking.
Beverly: This isn't yours.
Old Resident: I can tell by the bumper sticker. "I Scooty for the Booty." It's suggestive in all the right ways.
Brea: Is it?
Beverly: You know, come to think of it, my dad had a Jolly Roger flag on the back of his scooter. [chuckles] He was a scamp.
Security Guard: Well, I didn't have to use my defibrillator, so I'mma chalk this up as a win.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Oh, hi, hi. Ma'am, can we borrow your scooter? And in return, my son can read to you.
Adam: What?!
Woman: I like stories about Germans.

Quote from Beverly

Adam: Are you two okay?
Charlotte: I'll be fine.
Beverly: In jail. For grand theft scooter.
Charlotte: Beverly, I know it sounds silly, but this damn scooter actually meant something to me.
Beverly: Oh, no. I am the one who deserves to be upset. Because I was the one kept in the dark. 'Cause for some reason, he never wanted me to meet you.
Charlotte: Well, how do you think that made me feel? I asked Albert a million times if we could meet, and he kept saying, "Soon." And now he's gone and this is how we meet. Keep the damn scooter.

Quote from Barry

Erica: You called us out on all our B.S. And it's what we needed.
Barry: My sister's pretty awesome, and it makes me insecure. Like worrying maybe I won't make it as a doctor.
Erica: And even though he's a giant goofball, sometimes I feel the same way. I lash out at him when, really, I should be going to him for help.
Barry: I'm gonna help her study for the LSAT.
Erica: Yeah, I kinda blew off studying because I was scared that if I tried, I still wouldn't do well.
Barry: Yeah, but we know that's not true. I'm gonna help her crush that test.
Geoff: This is great. It's all I ever wanted.
Barry: Well, here's something else. [pulls out gold tray]
Erica: For your courageous work above and beyond the call of duty. You're our hero, Geoffrey Schwartz.
Geoff: This is so thoughtful. I, of course, need to return this because it's stolen property, but...
Erica: Of course.
Barry: We gave you a chore.

Quote from Adam

Beverly: Oh... It's you.
Charlotte: Adam said he wanted to talk to us together.
Adam: Pops used to say, "Nobody's perfect. But that doesn't mean we should ever stop trying to be." And I think when it came to dealing with you two... Well, he finally proved that he wasn't perfect either. Even though he was as close as anyone could be. He should've introduced you guys. It might've been hard, but I know it would've worked out. And now that you're both here, maybe you can do what he couldn't.
Beverly: Why don't you and Brea head to the beach? Charlotte and I could use some time to get to know each other. If that's okay with you.
Charlotte: I would like that.
Beverly: And, Adam, thank you. You remind me more and more of him every day.

Quote from Barry

Barry: I think it's important we all master the Heimlich maneuver.
Geoff: That's actually not a bad idea.
Naked Rob: Saving lives. Sign me up.
Andy: Totally. Where do we start?
Barry: With you. You're gonna be our dummy.
Andy: Wait, what?

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