‘Geoff's New Hat’
Season 8, Episode 10 - Aired February 3, 2021
Barry feels the JTP are drifting apart after Geoff gets a fashionable new look. Meanwhile, Beverly is upset when Murray doesn't show an interest in her new favorite game, Pictionary.
Quote from Bill Lewis
Adult Adam: [v.o.] While Barry wasn't excited about seeing Geoff's new look, my dad wasn't excited about seeing Bill and Dolores' new love.
Murray: You two know we're here also, right?
Bill Lewis: Sorry, Mur. It's been years since I've enjoyed the female touch. Other than my lady podiatrist. But you can't go to the foot doctor every week. Believe me, I've tried.
Beverly: Well, no need to apologize, Bill. I think it's sweet how in love the two of you are.
Bill Lewis: Thanks, Bev. Now if I'm hit with a crushing wave of loneliness, I know it's for a deeper, more unfixable reason.
Quote from Barry
Geoff: Barry, if I didn't know any better, I'd say there's something deeper going on.
Barry: Nonsense.
Naked Rob: Yeah, it seems like you're a little afraid of change.
Barry: I'm only afraid of two things, okay... a room full of grandfather clocks and a baby holding my stare.
Andy: No one is saying you have to change, too.
Barry: Or everyone's saying it. You know what? I'll show you all how bad change can be.
Quote from Adam
Adult Adam: [v.o.] While Barry prepared to give his friends a surprise, my dad was trying to figure out what happened to his.
Murray: Why is there a sign outside that says "hot tub for sale"?
Adam: Because, once again, you massively disappointed your wife.
Murray: Whoa! Easy.
Adam: You easy! She roped me into a mother-son soak before I had the good sense to put that sign out front.
Murray: It's not my fault.
Adam: Of course it is! My foot accidentally touched hers under the water while she talked about the lack of intimacy in her marriage. I took a lot of steps backward today 'cause of you, man.
Murray: Fine. I'll take care of it.
Adam: Damn right you will. Tonight we're pushing cuticles and scrubbing heels. All of her foot business is falling on me.
Murray: Good! You'll be motivated to help. Come on.
Quote from Barry
Andy: Bar, we're the same guys.
Barry: No, we're not. We're all moving in different directions. Pretty soon, Andy is gonna be the engineer for that tiny train at the zoo.
Andy: They're just overalls, bro.
Barry: Naked Rob is gonna be a hit man for the Yakuza.
Naked Rob: That's obviously the natural progression after buying a coat.
Barry: And Geoff is gonna be... an old-timey golfer.
Geoff: Oh, fun. I didn't know where you were going with me.
Quote from Beverly
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Back in the '80s, a new game swept the nation... Pictionary! And no one was more eager to doodle their way to bonding than my mom.
Beverly: Who wants to frantically draw their way to family fun?
Erica: Pbht! Count me and Geoff way out.
Geoff: She's not supposed to answer for me, but sometimes not having a voice can be a blessing. Push me out, babe.
Beverly: Well, that still leaves me with two generous helpings of schmoopie pie.
Barry: The old me would lie, but I'm mature now, so I'll answer honestly and say I have nothing to do. And the answer is still no.
Adam: I think lying is a nice way to spare people's feelings. Welp, tonight's the night I wash my hair. Toodles.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Despite the rejection, my mom was determined to make Pictionary a part of her life.
Adam: What are you doing? [Beverly draws] Circle. Wheels. Car? Oh, my God, did you buy me a car?!
Beverly: Ugh, so close. I need you to get in the car. We're getting you new underwear.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] She didn't need to talk to anyone, which wasn't as good as you'd think it would be.
Pops: Do we have any cream cheese, Bevy? [Beverly draws] What is this? What... What are you doing? You're... You're doodling now? Forget it. I'll find it myself.
Quote from Geoff
Adult Adam: [v.o.] No issue was too delicate to draw.
Geoff: Ooh, fun. She's not just saying it outright.
Erica: Don't you dare guess, Geoff.
Geoff: Oh, is that a heart? A broken heart. Divorce? Wait, my parents are getting divorced? My mom's had enough?! Her wandering eye has caught up with her thirst for more?!
Beverly: Geoff, no, I'm trying to tell you that my Uncle Marty had a triple bypass this morning and now it's touch-and-go, but thanks for that, Geoff.
Barry: Yeah!
Erica: You could be more sensitive, babe.
Geoff: What?
Quote from Beverly
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, she tricked us all into playing. But there was one person she couldn't get on board.
Beverly: What's more fun than Matlock?
Murray: Magnum. But it's Tuesday.
Beverly: Pictionary! And I've invited Bill and Dolores to play with us.
Murray: Oh, great. I'll go first. We'll both play. [draws]
Beverly: Oh. [reads] "No"?
Murray: You got it on your first try!
Beverly: Think you meant to write... [writes]
Murray: "Woo hoo"?
Beverly: Ah, yes! Murray is pumped. [chuckles] And he has no choice in the matter anyway. That's you.
Quote from Geoff
Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was February 3rd, 1980-something, and Erica and Geoff were enjoying a perk of college life... going to the mall in the middle of the day.
Geoff: Okay, remember, we're looking for one of these, but in new.
Erica: Got it. The exact same shirt you always buy. Again.
Geoff: This is a rugby shirt, Erica. That might not mean anything to you, but in some parts of the world, I think it might be a sport.
Quote from Barry
Barry: Halt your shopping spree. Matt Bradley's missing, and I need a mall I.D. for a beef bowl.
Erica: Barry, it's $2, and the last time you had one, you spent the afternoon in the mall infirmary.
Barry: Well, I love their take on beef.
Geoff: And Matt's in San Francisco. Gap corporate flew him out for an interview.
Erica: Apparently, he's the number-one khaki-pusher on the Eastern seaboard.
Barry: Well, I'm sure he'll blow it. He's not a very likable person. Beef bowl!
Geoff: He's gonna be sick to his stomach.
Erica: We'll go by the infirmary and pick him up later.
Quote from Geoff
Erica: Anyway, try on the hat.
Geoff: That is a cap hewn for a more confident man. I could never put that... [Erica puts the hat on Geoff] [gasps] Whoa.
Whoa! Are we in London right now?
Erica: You know what? You look pretty damn good.
Geoff: Really? I'm not so sure it's me.
Erica: It could be. This is the '80s, Geoff. People are gonna look back on our fashion and say, "They got it right."
Geoff: Well, in that case... [Cockney accent] Allo, luv! Did you catch the footie match on the telly?
Erica: I'm into what's on your head, but not what's coming out of your face. Let's roll.
Geoff: Off we pop.
Erica: Stop it.
Geoff: Right-o.