‘Flashy Little Flashdancer’
Season 5, Episode 19 - Aired April 11, 2018
Beverly doesn't get the support of her family when she and her friends decide to perform a Flashdance-inspired routine. Meanwhile, Adam fears he's losing his best friend, Emmy Mirsky, when she starts dating someone.
Quote from Beverly
Instructor: And pose. Not bad, ladies.
Beverly: Not bad? Uh, we have taken our passion and made it happen.
Quote from Coach Mellor
Coach Mellor: Oof. That was tough to watch. Well, Coach is here for you. Except during lunch. That's when I have my 67-vegetable smoothie. But I'm happy to talk again on my jog home.
Quote from Adam
Emmy Mirsky: Look, I appreciate the crappy effort. But I kinda spent lunch making out with Brian McMahon.
Adam: What do you even see in that guy?
Emmy Mirsky: He's handsome and athletic and cool.
Adam: Name one cool guy who doesn't talk.
Emmy Mirsky: Snake Eyes from "G.I. Joe."
Adam: Name one more.
Emmy Mirsky: Teller from Penn and Teller.
Adam: Name another.
Emmy Mirsky: Snoopy.
Adam: He's the best.
Emmy Mirsky: Odd Job from James Bond, Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers.
Adam: All right, stop dancing in the end zone.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: That's 'cause they're kind, stupid liars. I mean, no offense, but anyone who's seen Linda dance knows she's got no boogie from the waist down.
Linda Schwartz: Excuse me?!
Beverly: Admit it, you jacked up your back carrying around your kid for far too long.
Linda Schwartz: Geoff's 11-year-old legs got tired easily.
Beverly: And don't get me started on Essie's jazz hands.
Essie Karp: What's wrong with my jazz hands?
Beverly: They are crooked and calloused from years of scrubbing greasy pans and wiping tushies.
Essie Karp: I was gonna cover them with sparkly gloves for the show.
Beverly: And, Ginzy, all those years of stress raising four rowdy boys has given you such a nervous mom-tummy that you make poots all through this class.
Virginia Kremp: You know about my poots?
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: That was a stupid, stupid thing to do, moving your body to music like that!
Quote from Barry
Beverly: [record scratches] Can we start again?
[The audience is silent]
Barry: Is she asking me? Is this my decision?
Quote from Beverly
Adult Adam: [v.o.] This was the '80s, the golden age of the cheesy dance movie. Most notably, "Flashdance", the tale of a working-class girl who wanted to boogie with the best.
Virginia Kremp: I don't think she's ever gonna get into this dance school.
Linda Schwartz: Even the lady judge isn't supporting her.
Beverly: This movie is insane. She's so graceful and yet from Pittsburgh?
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Break out your hottest leg warmers, ladies! It's time to flashdance.
Essie Karp: "Bring your boogie-woogie and a towel"? Ehh.
Beverly: Come on. It's our chance to live the very realistic story of a steelworker turned modern dancer.
Linda Schwartz: Please. No one wants to see four moms shake their tushes at the JCC.
Beverly: Our entire lives revolve around our kids. But I have learned something very important from the Bevolution.
Linda Schwartz: Is that still a thing?
Beverly: The biggest. And it's taught me that unless we make time for ourselves, our wonderful families will leech us dry of our youth and spirit.
Quote from Coach Mellor
Coach Mellor: All right, welcome to pickleball! Do not be fooled by its comically delightful name. Pickleball is a serious sport. It combines the greatest elements of tennis, badminton, and Ping-Pong. Time to pick your pickleball partner. Just make sure your partner for pickleball doesn't already have a pickleball partner picked! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!