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Season 8, Episode 1 -  Aired October 21, 2020

Adam gets to recite his favorite bits from Airplane! after Beverly surprises the family with an end of summer vacation to Miami. Meanwhile, Geoff struggles to keep Beverly's secret about the real reason for the trip.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Uh-oh. Trouble in nerd paradise?
Adam: Barry, not now.
Barry: You two should hash things out in coach, where commoners like yourselves stare out the window and dream of better lives that will never materialize.
Adam: Okay, Bar, it's painfully clear you're insecure about Ren's parents being rich.
Barry: Am not. I don't care she has a butler with a turban, like in Annie. Just take your bickering to the air slums.


Quote from Adam

Adam: Brea, I'm sorry about all the Airplane! jokes.
Brea: So you'll stop and we can talk?
Adam: Of course. What's on your mind?
Barry: Hey, the fog is getting thicker.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] One of the best Airplane! bits. Barry knew I was powerless to the comedy and had to finish the joke.
Adam: And Leon's getting larger!
Brea: I'm out.
Adam: I'm sorry! He set me up! But you gotta admit it's a classic line.

Quote from Barry

Brea: Enjoy first class, Barry.
Barry: Tell Ren I'll grab a cookie, get the lay of the land, and send for her.

Quote from Barry

Adam: Too many Airplane! jokes? Impossible.
Barry: What's impossible is how sweet the sea beef is. [chuckles] I'm gonna mow through three more and get Ren.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Yo, idiots.
Barry: Erica? How'd you get up here?
Erica: Yeah, I defeated the impenetrable security that is a curtain with Velcro. Listen up, because the rest of this trip is going to be hell.

Quote from Adam

Barry: What does this button do?
Captain Roger: I told you not to touch anything.
Adam: Check it out! It's Otto the Autopilot from Airplane!. I'll take it from here!
Captain Roger: Do not touch the controls with your toy!
Adam: Toy? This is a certified replica movie prop.
Barry: [over P.A.] Attention, passengers, this is your new top gun, Barry Goldberg, call sign Strike Eagle Seven. Prepare yourselves for a barrel roll.
Captain Roger: Get off that!
Adam: Otto's got a leak. We need to make an emergency landing... Or get some Scotch tape.
Barry: Look, this button says "fuel dump." Ha ha ha! Dump!
Captain Roger: No!

Quote from Barry

Beverly: Listen up, sweet pits of my peach. What's the greatest thing to ever happen to this family?
Adam: When Barry fell in Aunt Dotty's open grave.
Erica: [laughs] Best day of our lives.
Barry: We were grieving, and I brought joy.
Beverly: Even better! We're flying to Miami! [laughs] [Barry laughs] [sings] ♪ Come on, shake your body Baby, do the conga ♪ ♪ I know you can't control yourself any longer ♪ [talks] Come on, Erica, take on the rhythm of the night!

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: [conga music plays] [sings] ♪ Come on, shake your body Baby, do the conga ♪ ♪ I know you can't control yourself any longer ♪ Come on, kids. Feel the pulsing rhythm of Mama's hips! Whoo! [Geoff and Barry groan as Beverly backs into them]

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: This trip is gonna be so special. [chuckles]
Erica: How special? Why did you pack me a cocktail dress?
Beverly: Just in case.
Erica: Just in case what?
Beverly: In case, uh, Edward James Olmos invites us for Mojitos on his cigarette boat. [chuckles] You got to keep an open mind.
Erica: The only thing open are my eyes. You're definitely up to something, and I'm gonna find out what.
Adam: [car horn honking] Yeah, Dad did an angry eight-point turn in the driveway. He's ready.

Quote from Murray

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Packing may not have been our bag, but we were on our way to...
[title: "The Airport"]
Adult Adam: [v.o.] We were all super excited to go to Miami, except for my dad, who was totally terrified of flying.
Murray: How do they get all that metal up in the air? It makes no sense.
Barry: It also doesn't make any sense how much you're sweating.
Adam: Ha! He thinks we're all gonna die. This guy.
Murray: If the plane doesn't kill you, I will.

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