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Season 4, Episode 13 -  Aired February 8, 2017

Adam takes up tennis when he fears he is drifting away from his friend Chad. Meanwhile, Erica is down in the dumps about being single on Valentine's Day.

Quote from Erica

Beverly: You stole my credit card to pay for a party?
Erica: No idea what you're talking about.
Beverly: Uh, hello? "Erica Goldberg's Valentine's Day Disco is Dead Party"! Your name is right there.
Erica: Oh, that's the other Erica Goldberg in school. I'm Erica F. Goldberg.
Beverly: No, that's Adam's stupid thing! And nobody cares about his dumb feud with the other Adam, anyway.


Quote from Erica

Lainey: We've all come together to say that we want the old Erica back.
Andy: Yeah, we want the Erica from the last three years. You know, you were so confident and talented.
Naked Rob: But this year, you're weak and sad and boy-crazy.
Erica: Thank you for that honest assessment, Barry's interchangeable friends.
Naked Rob: Ouch.
Andy: I know. I get it.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Come on, our home movies always come first. You know the saying flicks before chicks.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Oh, my poor sweetie. I'll be in your little movie.
Adam: No. Stop right there.
Beverly: [singing as Marilyn Monroe] Happy Birthday to you.

Quote from Adam

Coach Mellor: All right, everyone, meet your new teammate. Kid's got zero experience, but he makes up for it by showing up.
Adam: Hi. I'm Adam. Pumped to play some tennis, but I hear it's a real "racket." Yeah, that's what I bring to the table.
Coach Mellor: Ah, yikes, off to a rough start.

Quote from Erica

Lainey: Hey, sweetie. How are things?
Erica: So good. Do you have any ranch dressing I can pour into this chip bag?
Lainey: Like, on me, in the hallway?
Erica: Just give me the ranch dressing!
Lainey: I don't have ranch dressing!

Quote from Murray

Lainey: Okay, we need to help that girl.
Mr. Glascott: This sounds like a job for the bodacious guidance counselor that all the kids adore and respect.
Lainey: First of all, your constant lurking is really jarring.
Mr. Glascott: Can't a guy stand around teenagers, waiting for some juicy gossip without being judged?
Lainey: No.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: Okay, what the hell is going on?
Mr. Glascott: This is called an intervention. It's a new craze sweeping the nation. I read a pamphlet and everything.
Beverly: I've been intervening in her life for years. It's so exciting to finally do it in a professional setting.

Quote from Murray

Mr. Glascott: You're up next, big fella.
Murray: Erica, I was at work when your mom called me, and I fought through traffic to get here, and what I'm really trying to say is, what is this?
Beverly: Oh, Murray, you're not helping.
Murray: I know I'm not helping because I don't know what this is.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Aah! Oh! Sorry, I've never been this close to sports before, but it's gonna be fun.

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